Old Work, New Love

He stroked her sides in deep wonder, having never had such a strong woman this intimate... sanghelli were renowned for there great strength... his hands wandered over her body, as hers wandered over his.

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The voice of reason - Ch 9 - "On one condition"...

She's a strong girl. she really is. like the letter from her dad said she is... a long time passed by while the only thing i could do was to cuddle her... i looked over to the table where i placed that letter and it made me think.

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4 - Breakthrough

She's a strong girl, but he flung her around like a doll. he slammed her on the floor and was about to rape her right in front of us. nobody else was doing anything, so i ran out and kicked him in the face." "seriously?

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Another Way/Changing Paths Chapter 16: You can’t make me…

She is a strong girl, but what she does in her life and what we **_have_** to do in ours completely different.

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Pride: Exhibition

There's a good girl, there's a strong girl.." the man's voice was familiar, but it wasn't something that made her concentrate on figuring out who it was. it was enough that his tone was soft and soothing.

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Shadow Of A Doubt [Reboot]: Ch 1 - Crimson Contestant

The muscular female turned her back on him, letting her waist-long red ponytail whip against her body. "ryu! are you listening?" the master spoke up, snapping ryu back into a state of awareness. "yes, sir." he simply bowed again as an apology.

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Skunk Rocking Chapter 3

She was a very strong woman who never let herself get pushed around by anyone. the more she realized just how helpless she had felt last night, the more pissed she became. she felt her eyes tearing up again.

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Arcane love (continued part 3)

Alondra is a strong woman. she would make a good companion." dorian explained and watched the human male turn red again with embarrassment.

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She took me into her mouth, he strong female scent excited me... but there was something off about the scent.... but there couldn't be, this was a bitch eager to pleasure me....

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Dick, Jack, and Jill

She were quite the strong woman, being able to raise three kids and still have quite a fancy home even though the twins father ran off with some hooch 15 years ago.

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The Queen and Her Army

The amount of furniture in the room is limited, with only a table for two and the bunk beds for the two residents of the room, emily and a woman named demi, who is a muscular female red dragon standing by the doorway.

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Shy Ones

They tried repeatedly to lurch forward, but kayla was a strong girl. they wouldn't move an inch as long as she held on. her tongue ran long, slow circles around sam's shaft as she sank it deeper into her mouth.

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