The chakat replied as several more explosions were heard.
lyre scanned the battlefield. the objective had been achieved albeit with heavy losses. she then gave the signal.
Abduction, Adventure Series, Aliens, Arachnids, Bear, Canine, Casual Birth, Chakat, Communal Bathing, Cuddle, Cut-And-Run, Deaths, Deer-feeder, Desperation, Discovery, Dominated, Fear, Feeding, Female penetrated, Humans, Implied Sex, Insects, Kissing, Licking, Lioness, Long, Mongoose, New Handler, Oral, Panda, Plot Progression, Poisoned, Pregnant, Rebellion, Reconciliation, Reprogrammed, Savages, Search and Rescue, Space, Story Series, Violence, War, Wolf, Wolverine, captured, embrace, explosions, panic
Two other chakat cubs were running around, playing nip tail, they were icetail and heartgold. snowfur was nursing snowblaze as well as keeping an eye on the 2 hyperactive cubs.
Breastfeeding, Chakamil, Chakat, Crysteen, Cub, Family, Firetail, Fox Morph, Frostpaw, Hermaphrodite, Human, Icetail, M/F, Nightpaw, Nordic, Shadowsrtipe, Skypouncer, Snowblaze, Snowfur, Stephan, Viktor, Wolf, dinner, engineering, foxraur, heartgold, illumanati, invention, tiger morph
Then afterwards, shi went through the inner doorway and sat on the chair, waiting for the doctor and hir assistant.
2 chakats came in, and started idle chatter, asking questions about where shi went, what life forms shi encounter.
Chakat, Daughter, Father, Human, M/Herm, Re-Union, Spaceport, Stephan, solarblaze
Looking up he was greeted by the most unexpected sight ever, a chakat was standing there dressed in the employee "bar wench" outfit, smiling warmly at him. he couldn't help but gawk, shi was very pretty, and he had met so few chakats in his travels.
Chakat, Drinking Games, Flirtation, Fox
The chakat said licking her chops.
the ten males who lined up for the contest removed what was left of their clothing and presented themselves for the crowd to see.
Adventure Series, Ambush, Anger, Badgers, Betrayal, Boar, Bovine, Caprine, Cervine, Chakat, Corruption, Deer, Dingo, Epic Adventure, Fondling, Fox, Gorillas, Groping, Horse, Humans, Investigation, Koala, Lizard, Long, Lynx, Mastiff, Mercenary, Mole, Monkeys, Moose, Mule, Naga, Otter, Panther, Peacock, Plot Development, Prototypes, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rage, Story Series, Surveillance, attack, confrontation, crisis, dhole, dictator, ox, sex club, swearing, tapir, triceraton
The beautiful chakat said concluding the synopsis of their journey.
"as what?" corey asked.
"tonka and myself were servants. naka and song were being trained as hunters. how did we get back?"
Adventure Series, Akita, Aliens, Bears, Bubble Suit, Call Backs, Canine, Chakat, Dingoes, Dragons, Ghost, Healers, Heatstroke, Hedgehog, Humans, Imminent Danger, Jackal, Last Stand, Lioness, Loincloth, Manifestation, Manipulation, Mongoose, Monkey, Monster, Moons, Near death experience, Nudity, Operation, Panda, Penguin, Pitbull, Plot Progression, Plot Resolution, Prototypes, Rebellion, Remote Camera, Retrofit, Savages, Shelters, Slave, Space Ships, Story Series, Teleportation, Tigress, Toxic Fog, Very Very Long, Wolf, Wolverine, Yeti, barmaid, cameo, control, injury, intern, leech, probe, resolution, tavern, titan, triad, werewolves
Being a chakat, with empathy powers, shi could sense others feelings, weather it was happiness, sadness, anger or fear. what shi sensed from voxy was confusion and doubt and a tinge of uncertainty.
Bear, Cat, Chakat, Chakona, Crysteen, Cub, Diaper, M/F, M/Herm, Mouse, Nursing, Rabbit, Resturant, Vixen, Voxanna, Wolf, interview, job, sunrise
And opener of star's story giving the events that motivated hir to become a police officer and will spur the events that will come in other chapters
star's tales
chapter 1
my life has never been what one would consider normal but then being a chakat
Chakat, Cub, Death, Human, Short Story, Sisters, loss
She liked blue's cooking better than mine, and thought sweet was cute in hir toddler chakat way. she and i went out on dates a night or so a week, occasionally twice.
F/Herm, Hermaphrodite, Love, Teasing
#29 of chakat universe
bombshell recovers form the loss of db only to lose another thing in hir life, but gains much more from it.
Chakat, Foxtaur, Hermaphrodite