Toeing the Line, Draft 1, CH 40
That was a hundred ninety. one for each families, plus a couple extra. i pulled on out. just a standard plastic chip, in a clear plastic case. no names to indicate which family's secrets were on it. because that's what it had to be.
Grentail Manor Chapter 5
Roughly ninety to ninety five degrees with humidity of seventy to eighty percent. aaron, would you agree?" the spirit nodded in agreement. suddenly, a figure split off from the workers in front of them.
Armageddon: Chapter 3 - "Dissapointment"
But this was the ninety-eighth time he has attacked random trainers. he thinks it's the only way to go about trying to reunite with her." mia explained.
The Dream That Turned Real: The Canine Underworld - Part 6
Fanning out my wings, i ran to the edge of the cliff and pulled a super-hard ninety degree, pirouetting as i went skywards into another ninety degree arc coming back down.
vi. Back to Ayumi's (6~15~07)
T-minus ninety seconds."
Bordello Bull: First Night : $12,455.25
" think about it-" he continued"- ten dollars to keep yourself, and do whatever you so wish- pay off your debt, buy clothes or food, whatever- and ninety dollars of your debt paid down."
Keeping the Fires Burning
Once the pod had settled into its ninety degree rest he hit one more button to start the thawing process. he had learned quickly to use the ten or so minutes of quick thaw to get some checks done on his own body.
Devil Seed Ch.8
"your total is eighteen ninety five." she told him. he took his wallet from his left pants pocket and handed the woman a twenty dollar bill. "keep the change." he said.
Glimmer - Part 03
"we're heading to my place, and i'll settle up the six ninety-nine i owe you from yesterday, plus the four ninety-nine from today," ravi explained, his eyes closing briefly as he calculated the amount. "that's, like, twelve bucks."
The Rubber Shaft Invasion
A progress bar loomed overhead showing their progress, they were ninety five percent the way there, just a bit more work and they would be through. "is any information worth this much?"
A slice of Lex
The furniture resembled a diner-style restaurant, even though it was cafeteria style dining, and nineties music was softly playing over the speakers. the group got into the line, the smell of fresh cooked food making stomachs rumble loudly.
Freshman Heat, Part 1
The girl entered and performed her business, the entire ordeal lasting approximately ninety seconds before the roll of the toilet paper and the roaring flush followed.