One on One Training
one of his team seemed to be playing way worse than usual, a boar named roger. usually one of the quietest and shyest members of the team. a good solid player, most of the time.
Just One Drink
"oh come on, one drink isn't gonna hurt. besides, i don't see these friends of yours around anywhere" the lion added. "well...ummm" he turned and looked out into the crowd.
A Dragon Envenomed 2
That one was complete guesswork, of course.
The Tender and the Sire
So small, so soft, such a beautiful male with his gold and tan fur that was long and fluffy, so easy to run one's fingers through and so soft to feel against one's body. he was smaller than them, but that mattered not.
Only the Bold - Dak
one by one, the gnolls exerted their dominance, just to be washed away by the next. did one of them have a second turn? could dak tell the difference by the way one cock felt against his tongue as it flooded his throat with urine or semen?
Two Pets for a Grizzly 01: The deal
Gabu and mei looked at one another, the goat and wolf began to whisper to one another. "he doesn't seem like a bad animal." mei spoke to gabu. "hmm, yeah, and he did save us." gabu said in turn.
NM #1 ~ Comfort
The door clicked as Mela unlocked it and stepped into the house. She set her duffle bag on the floor before announcing herself. "Honey I'm home!" she called facetiously. Making her way to the kitchen, she peeked into the living room to see Niv...
Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 10
However, it is not likely that anyone could defeat the ka'yno in one on one battle." "why? is the ka'yno that good?" "not really.
POKE'MON MYSTERY DUNGEON ADVENTURES Chapter 9 : Our Final Adventure : Vector's Farewell
Man that was a close one!! but we're not there just yet so lets keep on moving. wa-wwaaahh!! wwhhaatt'ss ggooiinngg oonn hheerree!!??"
Chapter 3: Romance By The River
Never had she done it in front of a boy; let alone one she really liked.
Electric Cheating with the MILF: Part One
With white zeraora base colouration, he was a shiny - but everyone knew how common they had been after that one boom that had come about, though no one had been able to explain it.
"Beyond" teaser - A Dragon's Treasure!
Devox swallowed his whimper, holding his head as high as possible as he took a step back, refusing to allow even a single one of the coins to touch his clawed hind paws.