The Breederette - Meet the contestants
This time, it was the anthro stallion, the stallion was tall, with broad shoulders and chiselled features. his hide was a lovely brown and neatly combed, and his eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint.
Falling in Love with My Brother: Equine Desire (erotic eBook teaser)
Author's note: this story contains consensual incest between brother anthro stallions, all characters being adults and clearly written as such.
Passing the Power: Collection of stallion incest mini stories (erotic eBook teaser)
Note: this story contains consensual incest between adult anthro stallion characters (furries).
Velvet Beast - Lingerie for ferals
The thick curtain was soon cast aside by a big, hazelnut anthropomorphic horse who stepped out from the back room of the shop.
Defeat and Ride an Anthro Stallion
Thinking how much easier this all is when they don't struggle, you slowly manage to cram yourself into the anthro horse's undefended ass.
Gelding the Stallion
Smirking, the anthro stallion stepped around in front of him, tail flicking more happily than duslor's was.
For the Love of Horse Cock: Colt Taken by a Muscle Stud (erotic eBook teaser)
Note: this story contains gay intercourse between consenting anthro stallion characters. --- thank you for reading! this story is available to purchase, worldwide, via smashwords and!
The anthro horse didn't think that the man had enemies; he just seemed too...polite...for that.
Stallion’s First Time with His Father: Lust in the Family (erotic eBook teaser)
Note: this story contains consensual incest between anthro stallions. # for the love of horse cock: colt taken by a muscle stud two stallions... one shared lust.
Tales From the Synth - Series One - Chapter One
"this is part of my function for my owner, a, by his own admission, a stud of a palomino anthropomorphic horse called..."
Bigger Breasts
But susie was angling for a promotion and the anthro mare really couldn't afford anything, nothing at all, to get in her way. not even her breasts.
Horse Fever
He barely knew the anthro horse, but something told him that she was involved in this change somehow. he let out another sneeze. he let loose another "achoo!"