
A soft male voice called from behind, breaking the luxray's moment of peace. raiki sighed as he heard the lucario's voice. he had sensed him approaching the moment he entered his electrical field but he paid it no attention.

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Lustful scent

Drak looked deep into his eyes and brought him into a passionate kiss moving his tongue around the skunk's mouth tasting a bit of his own cum that had been left behind. breaking the kiss drak spoke softly. "now how about your gift.

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2.Getting Closer

, breaking the strange silence antony spoke "where are me going" lucius teasingly waved his hand to him in refusal "shh... it's a secret and your not even supposed to know of it.


Battle For Diamond Square

While the battle for diamond square was underway the muraclion union was able to leap in almost unnoticed by the legion and were able to attack them from behind, breaking some ships through to the surface while the rest engaged the ships in the space.

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That New Gym Smell

He clasped his beak around sammy's shoulder and bit down, the tip on both top and bottom breaking the thin skin. he cried out around the shoulder as his balls drew up, cock buried in to the sheath.

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That Friday

A voice called from behind, breaking aaron's train of thought. he turned around to see a dolphin and a crocodile walking behind him. the dolphin flashed him a smile.

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A Relaxing Game At The Motel

Every butt breaking thrust that slammed into his overstimulated prostate sent surges of pleasurable pain throughout his system. his hard kitty cock swung in time with the lusty humps, a small dribble of his milk had begun to stain the floor.

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He took his time, drawing as far back as he could, butt breaking the surface of the water, sending little ripples out, then back in, little mirroring ripples spreading through them as he sank back in on loose flesh, a soft splash as his buns slipped beneath

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Zodiac - Gemini

The teeth sunk into her belly and rump, breaking the skin. she cried harder, both from pleasure and from pain, and pressed herself firmly against the roof of the snake's mouth. "i'm... close," she panted, her eyes closed.

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Solipsism XVI

"who wants to see a lion kick a rat's ass?" **(break)** we arrived at the scene to find leomon and kumbhiramon going at it. i signaled not to go in and watched.

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Wanna Fanta

L'luna wanted to deny it, yet the more he imagined that cock up his rear, breaking in his new body, the more he was craving it. maybe the fantasia did have an effect after all, or maybe treyse was using some of his abilities to manipulate l'luna.

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Cyana goes ice-cream shopping

Cyana giggled again when she realised that her butt was blocking the entrance, her giant rear breaking down the door with a crash.

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