Under the Tiger's control - Crevan's New Life

The car ride was an uneventful one. crevan's master wouldn't let him do anything to him, or even get too excited, he just had to sit and admire the view, telling some incredibly lame jokes that he had promised to withhold until that very car ride.

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Here's a good one: i cry without catharsis within the white spaces of my day-- the lone car rides home, the intermittence between college classes and the open garden where life grows and grows, seemingly from dirt, water, love.

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Underwater Defender

Something i wrote with my new and (not so) shiny phone on my car ride back to kansas from wisconsin. legs were crampy. but...

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That Place 2: Trouble

That saturday, though, the man, his mate, and my boy decided to take me for a car ride. now... usually i didn't mind car rides, even though they were a rarity for me.

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Campfire Stories Intro

The stressful car ride and it already being late it wasn't hard for me to already climb into bed nearly fully dressed as exhausted as i was.

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V. And once more we go

At home it wasn't much of an issue, but i guess long car rides with me were a special enough occasion that he had to really pick the best of the best.

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Double Helix over the Moon

Lavrin was very grateful to be offered a shower after that long car ride. after showering lavrin changed into the given cloths and to his dismay, found the clothing to be rather revealing.

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Because not everything can be amazing...

Problems started on tuesday i guess, as i had a looooot of gas (great for the car ride from ventry to kinsale) though nothing seemed too bad. there were lots of guilty laughs that day.

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Remember summer? (part 3)

After we ate the bacon, we went for a car ride, keven drove. after about a hour of driving, keven said "i'm hungry!" "how could you be hungry?" i asked "you just ate a boat-load of bacon!""you want to go to subway?" he asked."

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Out of This World Pt. 1

The car ride home took about ten to fifteen minutes, and they were pulling into the driveway, when there was a thud in the back of the suburban. robin got out as if her baby was hit. (in which it was.)

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Lonely Oak Chapter 35

"how can you be bored, you know how long this car ride is," her mom said, "didn't you bring something to entertain yourself?" "i did!" she retorted, "i brought my cds."

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The Red Star: Chapter 2

Allen spent most of the rest of the car ride going into vivid detail about the experience knowing that sharon would be fully intrigued by it.

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