The Traveling Slave pt1
Larise gave a dark humoured laugh as if amused at some inside joke. "and you?" shadi's mismatched irises met the coyotes own.
Broken by the Changelings: Part Two
There was dark humour there but it was not the sort of humour that he would be permitted to share in, gasping and twitching, his hooves kicked out to the sides, forced there by the weight of his nuts bulging out his limbs.
Untitled Quilava Lemon
As if resigned, the paws fell away from his face without a struggle, and as he sat up to face the three-foot creature - admiring, with a slight twinge of dark humour, what was left of the length he'd managed to take inside him...
Moonglade C2: Long Way Home
"when you need to be absolutely, positively _sure_ your target is very, _very_ dead," eli muttered, with dark humour. "does it grow here?" lia shook her head, settling herself against the wolf as they waited for the antidote to work. "no.
Rhotu and Varik
He always had a thing for dark humour, but never had it been so close to home.
Cafe Plaisir: October's Jaunt Chapter 5 - Twin Shenanigans
He gave october a brief, but intense stare that contained a lot of dark humour and a great deal more in promise of pain, "see you around, october..." he said with a grin.
Café Plaisir: October's Jaunt Chapter 12 - Honour
"huh, wonder if she got through customs," said eclipse, chuckling with dark humour.