The size of evil

The wolf explores the stoat female with many lusty rubs and licks on her body, making her heat estrus to surface easily) sifjar: no, please... stop, shiro, this is not what we planned... i thought we were... shiro: oh, really?

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The Mad Mansion of Dr. Moreau: Game 3, Chapter 1

Katie: first list : breath control / choking, bondage, pet play, biting, heat/estrus, knotting, body control second list: cub play, scat, watersports terinas: noted!

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Form and Function 01

It turned out that being reborn as an adult with new parts put ezra into his first female heat. estrus. a needy desire he fantasized about and imagined but had never felt himself.

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Unwillingly UnFaithful

heat, estrus, the thick fertile scent was flooding his senses and made his heart start to pound faster.

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A Hen's First Heat is Hardest

"heat. estrus. your body changes, your breasts swell, and so do, erm, other parts. changing from a fledgeling to a young hen. the first heat's never fun for a fledgeling lady, but it's even worse for those around her." "yeah, i read about that.

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