Bet for an ass

Granted, mike wasn't one to take it up in the ass or a cock up his muzzle but the satisfying taste that came from his own shaft was delightful. he had to admit, he was hotter than anyone that he had ever known.

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Ashes to asses

Ashes to Asses A holiday of a lifetime, that's what his parents had promised if he got straight A's in his A levels. He'd given up his social life, practically became a hermit, worked day and night to get the grades he needed, then the day had come....

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Blunts and Asses

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff The TV flared in Rory's house as smoke floated over his, Joel's, and Matt's head. All three were enjoying a good smoke from the huge hookah that sat in the center of the round wooden table. Matt, an Italian with a slim face...

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Sticking it in the Ass.

                Yes, there were a lot of different animals at the zoo. So what questions do you have? Where was it at? Nice try... I wouldn't tell you for a ton of cash. I was never discovered I my clandestine activities, and I intend for it to...

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Son of an Ass

**Son of an Ass** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Canine80 The house was quiet and calm, as it was most evenings. It was a nice home, two stories with a double car garage and a big yard - and it was in a nice neighborhood. The streets were...

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An ass at the convention

               WARNING!This text file contains sexually explicitmaterial. If you do not wish to read thistype of literature, or you are under age, or you can't separate fiction from real life events, or are intending to use this material against the...

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Bet for an Ass

Granted, mike wasn't one to take it up in the ass or a cock up his muzzle but the satisfying taste that came from his own shaft was delightful. he had to admit, he was hotter than anyone that he had ever known.

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Daddy's Ass

It was 1:00 AM and Tio only wanted two things in the world: Sleep, and his dad's ass. Not in that order. He was on his knees, very quietly touching himself as he looked at the sleeping blue dragon on the bed. His dad's back was facing him. Tio's face...

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Making an Ass

I'd met her owners, who were snotty pains in the butt. david slid to a stop on the wet grass, almost crashing into her shoulder. goldie took a hard look at him and pinned her ears in warning. "david, don't!"

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Raising Asses

It was a running joke about his family all around town. And not those good jokes that make people go smile nicely and chuckle warmly. No, this was one that had people smirking and snorting as they passed any of them around town, no matter where it was....

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An Ass's Tale

"An Ass's Tale" within these moments I forcibly take pause, albeit required! With true sentiments by explaining myself I now precede.... Before I really allow this tail to unfold I should like to express the...

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Wandering Ass

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff The sun's rays relentlessly shined every few seconds on Travis' bronze neck as he walked along a long road surrounded by trees of various sizes. His tiny car lay off to the side, dead, about a quarter of a mile back. Sweat...

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