Spirited Away on Saint Patrick’s Day: Chapter 1: A Bit of Backstory and the Start of Saint Patrick’s Day

The story is copyrighted to me jake shadow wolf aka jake fedor. this story will contain adult themes including, but not limited to drinking, sex, lots of sex, death, fighting, and torture.

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Chapter 2: Virus

(see chapter one for legalities.) When I arrived at Viridian my team consisted of Karen, Blitz, Kita, Roren a treecko I'd caught, a pichu I'd named Volt, and Kisa a zangoose. Kisa, Volt, and Roren had easily taken to the team's training regime and...

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This is My Story: The Story of Jake Shadow Wolf.

This is my story, the story of jake shadow wolf. this is me. [dragons lair this is me-challenge](http://www.sofurry.com/threadview?threadid=11138) animal i have become by three days grace: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?

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The Pokémorph Project aka The Pokémorph Academy Chapter 1: Beginning to Gather the Research Team

Legalities: All characters other than those copyrighted to Nintendo including all those solely under the pokémon trademark are copyrighted to me. This story contains mature themes and transformations. It also contains consensual sex between feral...

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Chapter 1: Lightning strikes and I get a second chance

Legalities: I don't own Pokemon or any characters from the series I merely own my original characters, the plot, and any original ideas.There will be characters from the manga, show, and games. All that said look for the author's notes at the end of...

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A trip to the land where equines rule: Chapter 1: Down the well and into Equestria

Legalities: The storyline, and all characters, other than those copyrighted to Hasbro, are mine. This story contains mature content and may contain themes some don't find appropriate, as such read at your own risk. If you're under age turn back now or...

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Chapter 1: The virus is released.

Legalities: I own neither Pokémon nor any of the characters are affiliated with it. I only own my own characters. This story is a fan made product not licensed by the companies connected to Pokémon or any of its characters. This story is an adult rated...

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Pokémon Take Over: A nurse Joy and Officer Jenny story: Chapter 1: Calm before the Storm.

Legalities: I don't own pokémon nor any of the things affiliated with it. All original characters are copyrighted to me, however everything related to pokémon is copyrighted to Nintendo, Gamefreak, and any other companies affiliated with them. With...

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Chapter 2: Angel of Shadow

Legalities: This story and all its characters are copyrighted to the writer Jake Wolf aka Jake Fedor. If you want to use any of it let me know ahead of time and I'm more likely than not going to say go ahead. This story is of fictitious and any...

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Chapter 2: Arrival in Arcadia, Apprenticeship, Learning a little About the Past.

Ash finished packing his bag the following morning as his mom cooked breakfast. Meanwhile Deliah remembered the past and her old home. She sighed as memories came flooding back to her. Ash's father and her dancing in the ballroom, running through the...

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Guardian AngelChapter 1: The end, and the beginning.

It all started ten years after Genetech released their serum that would supposedly cure all diseases. My dad was a researcher for Genetech and my mother was a medical examiner at the local hospital, so we got first dibs on the vaccine, as did most of...

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Chapter 2: War, Awakening, Entering the Abyss.

I turned toward the sound and stared as I saw my son be pierced through the shoulder by a beam of light which was emanating from a rifle held in the hands of one of the attacking forces. I snarled and let my power rage forward blasting him backward and...

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