Open Space, Chapter 5

I looked over and indeed, a soft smile was spreading across her muzzle as she leaned back into me more, snuggling into my body. i said softly, "so, where do i go from here laz?" "you know... crew members are allowed to have families on-board.

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Swimming Lessons

"just more snuggle time big brother? please." harry pleaded with his big green eyes. terry smiled, he couldn't deny harry when he made that cute face. "alright, but after that it's back to bed okay harry?"

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Core's Opportunity - Chapter 21

After the last match, she says, "i want more cuddles, can you stay the night?" his tail wags and his ears perk up. "sure, i don't have anything to use for pajamas, though." "nude cuddles are the best cuddles."

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Loyalty And Love

After a little more cuddling, timothy's penis finally shrunk to the point where he could pull out of jackie.

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The Stone- Chapter 3

She smiled and munched on some more, cuddling up next to me by putting her head on my shoulder. i squirmed a little bit, unsure of how to react. i had been with girls before, but either one of us just wanted sex and that was about it.

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to love a dragon

The dinner was great, and was followed by some more cuddling.

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That means no more cuddling, no more affection. i'll expect you to perform, if you don't you get punished. option three, you leave. no strings attached, you just go, get dressed and leave."

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XIX. Friends indeed

"natasha wanted more cuddles, so i gave her lots, and then i kinda forgot. y-you's mad wif me now?" i smiled and put my arm around her. "of course not, princess. you'll get the hang of it eventually.

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King Ulf's Pet Foxes

The three foxes got up out of bed, allowing the king to lie down once more. "cuddle up against me, boys," said ulf. "and let's get some sleep after all that fun, okay?"

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Open Fire

After more cuddling and nuzzling, he eventually pulled out of her with a shy squeak. he was limp, now. and a bit sticky. "we, uh, gotta change the sheets." he was always the obsessively tidy one. "and take a shower," the bat admitted.

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Ch. 1- The Warrior and the Mage

"okay, more cuddles now," he grinned as martin clung onto him and he wrapped his arms around the canine again. martin was soon snoring gently.

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New Relationships

"more cuddling." she commanded. shane lay back down on the bed and kari hugged him and began to cuddle. she kept petting him and couldn't get her hands off of his fur. this aroused shane again her hands all over him.

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