Shifting Consequences--Chapter 3: Self Discovery

Why is the night watch allowed to play poker?" "i have no idea. ever since we got this new surveillance system the chief has been easy on the night watch. i guess he figures that the night watch can look at the surveillance feed while they play.

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Truth or Dare Chapter 2: How the hell?

The unit had been identified as the infamous 3rd battalion night watch division. night watch being a clandestine wing of the military reportedly only answering to the emperor, this has yet to be proven and is denied by count samiael domar.

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Scott had heard about night watches before and they had practiced them back at basic school, but it was different when you could actually be killed and scott felt more than a little fear thrumming around in his stomach as he climbed

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Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 1.2 Bannihar

"and night-watch until then." the wolf confirmed. both of them paused at the sound of sebastian crashing through the underbrush, squawking something about a wild armadillo out for blood. "night watch will have to wait."

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Bilen's Slavers Chap 2

Most of the villagers were going to sleep for the night, aside from the scheduled night watch, so he was able to easily slip into the village and begin searching around.

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The Soldier & Daemon

Even at this late time in the night the cooks are still baking loaves of bread for the night watch.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 111: Unaware and Terrified (The Future Of Our Future Part III)

Well it was minka doing most of the talking as the night watch started. " that was around the time arthur, flo and i started investigating the paranormal and things that go rawrrr in the night, if you know what i mean.

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Making up...

Prospective of jack: i love him....look at him lying right next to me with his back turned.i do this every night,watching the back of him.we never cuddle on thursday's where to tired too and don't really have the time.he is so far distant and darken with


Star Fox Chronicles: Chapter 11: Complications

I'm getting night watch around the city this evening." "same here," red stated. "night watch?" i asked. "they work just like the ground policemen do.

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DFTMC - Truth

And earlier today, i told you everything about the village wall, the night watch, and my home, all so you make sure we'd have some...alone time. i did all this because i am such a man-slut, and want nothing more than to be fucked every day."

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Mesozoic Park 2 (Part 5)

She sighed and looked at her watch "in the time it would take to pack up it would be dark" "than i guess we stay" matt said "i'll take the first night watch shift" "i'm joining you" jayden said and blushed "t-to make sure you don't fall asleep" it was dark

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Uniforms Pt. 1

Just got added to the night watch, was making my rounds. sorry about scaring you..." now fully lit, riley could see his 'attacker' clearly in the storage room.

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