Dragon's Path: Inside a Hippogryph

The thickest, most intense of scents rolled over the dragon's trembling nostrils. the hippogryph's insides trembled with desire, strands of juices dripping from the fleshy passage.

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Another Coyote

It took that moment for the coyote to realise the pleasant scent rolling off them with each cycle from the scrubbed air. were they in need? it was a distracting thought, and one better spent appreciating this part of them that each breath brought.

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Loyal Wolf

(sniff sniff) i caught the scent of something strange yet familiar, the scent rolled down from the top of a snow capped hill. it was faint so i didn't bother with it, the marrow in the bones was more important.

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Swamp Beast

Hot goopy ropes of something clear and sweetly scented rolled over his muzzle and he opened his eyes to see the tendril that had been working his muzzle hovering, almost expectantly above his muzzle.

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Blood Rose-15

He sat back as well, not wanting to smell the husky, alluring scent rolling off of her. it made him want to unbutton the top of his pants, give his member a bit more room. but he didn't trust himself to simply unbutton his pants.

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Dragon's Path: One Last Taste

He continued feasting on the bounty of scents, rolling his tongue tip around the female's tender lips, claiming her fertility, and when the taste filled his slavering maw, he pulled back to moan out his unrestrained lust.

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He inhaled again, the heavy scent rolling around in his head and making his entire body feel warm and eager to be close to her.

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Perilous Peak

Her ebony fleshed slit was right at face level of silver, the moist scent rolling off the sides of his muzzle.

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Underground Tales - Chapter Two

A heavy, musky scent rolling off of his groin. "shower first," he decided, ignoring his stomach's desires temporarily, "then breakfast." involuntarily grumbling, jake trudged into the bathroom.

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Nume Undies: Character Creation

The margay nuzzled the giant gray orbs, reveling in the musky scent rolling off them before he gave them a lick. behind the rhino, the mage chuckled and leaned against the fighter as he picked up his pace.

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Release (part ii)

The corridor hid the intruder from the wolf's eyes, but as a familiar scent rolled into the room he had no doubt who it was. he heard the rattle of a belt-buckle being unfastened, the soft thump of clothing falling on a pile on the floor.

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Hard at Work

They curled to each other in the throne room, enjoying the thick heat of each others bodies and the rich scents rolling through the room before the princess finally left her impromptu prince to himself in the throne room.

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