Beyond Chaos Chapter one

I watched the warden leave to sort out a small fight that started at the other side of the room.     looking up i was presented with the face of my only friend in this horrible place, an angel called siyena "just stay out of trouble for today, kay?"

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The Discovery

Humphrey was a bit shocked knowing that the two girls were getting into a small fight over something that really didn't matter. kate gave humphrey's thing a lick and this was enough to make him shoot again.

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Shade's Lovely Dinner...

It is a species of flower that his brother lee used to grow for him, it was normally used so lee could ask forgiveness after a small fight they got into.

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To reach the top 3B: Levi Diary part 1

The only thing of importance in our rural area was a small fighting type centered pokémon gym and hundreds of sheep being risen all around it in the grass fields.


Digi-Feet for the Mini-Tamer

It didn't show most of the time, as leomon was so confident and powerful, but then again, after a battle or even just a small fight, nathan tended to go back to the real world.

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Micro Rocks Pt 3: A Consuming Addiction

Clearly something had though and they got into a small fight. nathaniel doubled down on his drinking that night. after the first few shots his fears were subsided. a few more and he was suddenly cocky. then he was angry. fuck chad for lying to him.

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the cute and rare eevee pt2

Back at my house, police where there looking over the home, they saw the guy had smashed the door with a rock, then open the door from inside, he then walked up to the bedroom opening the door carefully, where he grabbed the pokémon and had a small fight with

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Neroindra Saga; Chapter 1 --- The Invasion

In the time of waiting claudios inspecting his fellow mercenaries' weapons, prepping the young ursines on small fighting styles, hoping he could keep them alive, within the small time he had known the 500 aboard his boat, they began considering him a heroin

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Whispers of Pain - Chapter 1 ~ Capture

A small fight broke out behind him over the object. he turned toward them and they stopped, splitting the apple evenly before moving to opposite sides of the cage. fear in their eyes.

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The UAA Chapter Six: Blood and Fire

. ================================================================ story theme: blood and fire - type o negative wolfs theme: calling - taproot gina's theme: last drop falls - sonata arctica tragedy theme: god called in sick today - afi small

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He awoke...

"i'm ready for a small fight, but nothing large scale. you prepared to go out?" "i just want to find my purpose of being here. if it's a mission, i'll carry it out as well."

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Subject Nine Ch. 2

Jenna had seen the small fight and was walking towards me. "you think that you can threaten me? and then pick a fight with subject five? you've got a death wish."

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