More Pit Stops
He had met a couple kinky friends online who were more than happy to train his muzzle, his skills in swallowing piss nearly unmatched. "mmm, what are you?"
Far Too Deep in the Rabbit Hole
Even if he wasn't swallowing, piss was pooling in his muzzle, his tongue swimming in the warm liquid, the bitter, acrid taste assaulting his senses.
Punished for Her Pleasure: Part Six
Arctic tried to swallow. piss was almost a relief after everything, even though it would be over soon, splattering down his muzzle, the gulping motion of his throat seemingly not enough, not even then.
Recontextualize 27 - Preparations
swallowing piss and scat if she got something wrong for points wasn't going to work for her at all even though she thought she could identify cum from tailholes better. "i'm stronger than the others. why not train me for the tug of war competition?"
Simba's Deal
The fact that he had swallowed piss earlier was irrelevant. there had been no way to avoid that. now, though, shenzi was trying to stuff shit down his mouth. there was no way that he'd just stay still for that.
A Model Employee
The fox spluttered after a few swallows, piss building up faster than he could get rid of it, but found that it really didn't make a huge difference whether he was composed or not.
My Two Masters
And so, i carried on - suppressing my growing nausea as i swallowed piss-load after piss-load with the occasional jizz chaser.
The Pulp Fiction of Gay Furry Orgies
Roger was impressed by how good matt had gotten at swallowing piss: almost none of it escaped. with half his bladder still left to go, roger took a step to the side, and then another, turning slightly as he went to still be facing the canine.
Mufasa's Morning Lessons-Two
Nala almost cried as she swallowed pee and poop for the tenth time, feeling the pee around her muzzle starting to dry and harden in her fur. it was going to be so hard to wash out, but she had to keep going.
Titans Talent Show
He heard red arrow leave and knelt there, swallowing piss, and feeling his nuts swing around. by the end of the day, static shock and duke thomas's urinal cakes were slightly worn down. by the end of the week, their names were barely readable.