My life with blaziken chapter 4

It occurred to me there that, i'm totally screwed. "blaziken wait!" i managed to shout as she ran back through the hole in the wall. the lady woke up and got up off me. we got cleaned up and went through after blaziken.

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Classroom Disruptions

I'm totally screwed._ it wasn't unusual for jon to drift away in his own thoughts when he was taking down a novel's worth of notes, but this time, he couldn't find the focus to get back on task.

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Tales from Anthracite City 15: Power Tool

A little white lie to be sure, she did know a phase-heroine that was a total screw-up but she never phased into the core of a planet.

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 3 - Evolution

May sighed, thinking that she totally screwed up while watching kyurex gradually disappear. she stood there...not knowing what to think. he was gone. the mightyena sadly looked at the cave walls.

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A Ride in the Cockpit

His eyes still stared out at the landscape beneath them, constantly flicking to the many dials and measurement screens for the plane, ensuring that some of his focus dedicated to keep them from being totally screwed in the case of an emergency landing.

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Pokemon Adventure Chapter 1: Trainer Candidate

"i'm totally screwed. tt-tt" he answered sadly. both of them went to the cafeteria and ordered some food. they sat at an empty table and enjoy the food. genesis started the conversation. "so what happened back there?" "she talked to me telepathically."

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JTB ch5: Crossroad

I often feel like a total screw up and wish i was somebody or something different, but i knew that wasn't going to happen. sieya: "yeah, can't deny that. well, i guess i just have to give it my all next time!" jun: "mhm.

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Kage's Camping Trip 7

"i admit it was a pretty selfish thing, i wanted to keep you, i knew our relationship was strained at best, totally screwed at worst, it was over summer vacation i thought we'd find him before school started up again so i put him out in the woods hoping he'd


S under D[Arc 5: The forgotten] Chapter 4

"it was not, i totally screwed up... i guess i am not what king was hoping i would be..." tylan was unable to meet puka's eyes. puka just smiled at him. "that experiment is far from having a definitive result boy.

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Dragon Essence

You totally screwed up the gender imperative in your spell." letting that sink in, the large dragon slowly lowered a paw, making sure tarell caught the motion, to stroke against his massive maleness.

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Companions Chapter 22: Another Prophecy

Suddenly he realizes just who it was that he totally screwed over earlier, and quite possibly fucked up his own experiment as a result. and do you know what i did on that trip?" "not a clue."

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