Rough Justice
I wasn't thinking about covering anything up, i just went back outside and tried to hide the fresh stains with that garbage bag.
When Pets Strike Against Their Masters
There was a box of garbage bags on a chair that she started thinking was to become a staple of her room as her pets had a lot of accidents. she put the garbage bag on the floor. "ok," she said, "step onto the bag." randal did.
The tiger went into the kitchen to grab some things, and came back a moment later with a pair of scissors and a garbage bag.
Letting Off Some Steam
I stripped off my soiled clothes and tossed them into a trash bag that i kept under the sink. it was for these kind of occasions when my clothes were disgusting. i didn't want to get floor dirty as well. hence the garbage bag.
Half an hour passed and the lion was divided up into multiple garbage bags for later storage. bloodbeak was scrubbing at the walls to get the blood out, though it was already soaked in too deep.
three days part 6
bag and i put a towel in a box and i put the trash bag in the box and aired out the bad then tied it and i too the book out of there and i placed it far from where they live so the smell does not get to the guys so they don't know. i head back and sit on
Magical Adventures
The first few bags only contained what he'd expected a trash bag to have, however, after a few more attempts he pulled out some kind of collar.
Bagged Garbage
Inside of this were a box of large black trash bags, a roll of green duct tape, another box containing large ziploc freezer bags, and several lengths of thick, heavy rope.
Just Another Day at the Office
Kreuz crumpled up a bunch of paper to make it look more like an actual trash bag, and as surreptitiously hasty as he could, walked to the elevator, and from there walked out casually.
A Bright Future
trash bags littered the ground floor, piled in a large circle. a few were propped up against a smaller, metal door with a large wrench attached to the otherwise broken handle.
Deviant Pack (2) - Home Sweet Home
"where's the trash bags?" hollered michael, as he began checking every cabinet and moving items around.
Scars Ch. 1
I pick myself up from the ground and walk back to the pile of trash bags. i stop as i see a man grabbing the bags and throwing them into a garbage truck. as the last trash bag is thrown in, the man gets into the truck and leaves.