Darnlake Botany-R 03
Tuber got to the base of the stairs first and flipped a switch that turned off the ultra violent bulbs that lit up the botanica. i couldn't see a thing and had to be especially careful as i made my down the steps to stand beside him.
Chapter VI – The Short Happy Life of Kelvin Klein and the Fang Gang
The massive bouts of ultra-violence the coyote repressed up to that point blossomed into a seething hate for all puss in boots.
Chapter I - Heads
Will there be a deeper meaning to this series besides random sex and ultra-violence? only time will tell ...
My Mom is Dating a Werewolf 2
You know growing hair all over your body, growing huge muscles, and becoming ultra-violent? i think maybe when you were a teenager you made up this werewolf story to explain how you became so...hyper-masculine" she said skeptically.
Much as she'd love to slowly crush him with her bare paws she knew internal affairs would have a field day with that -- so no ultra-violence today. he flattened himself against the wall, raising his hands.
Part VII - Conceiving in a Glowing Afterlife
You want lots of guns, sex, and ultra-violence, my fellow droogs? then you have come to the right place. basil is copyright nautaceta, all other meatbags copyright eldyran.
The Love-Bot's Prize
Far better than having the whole ship reverberating with the sounds of his simulated ultra-violence. "jake!" i yelled out louder. _that_finally got through to him.
The Chronicles of Vaahn - Skjald
Vaahn felt the air around him blister as the ultra-violent pulses screamed past, reducing his men to vapour in the blink of an eye. he went down instantly, fire racing up his right leg and a fierce blistering sensation forming along his left shoulder.
Evokation / Book IV: The Hanged Man / Part 8
The same old ultra-violence, shooting, slashing, all that horrific stuff. fuck, you better have at least some kind of battle plan ready."
A Kinky Knight for a Samhain Celebration
Soon enough they find one who is talking to black alice and after making a distraction to separate them, they may hate mammals but every last one of them has lost enough members to the ultra-violent black alice that give her a wide berth if they can to avoid