Syn's journey pt 3
Syn's journey pt 3 The next morning after a night filled with sex, Syn wakes up with a brown and grey wolf curled up on his left side and a grey wolf curled up on his right. He looks at them and remembers the grey one is the last one he fucked before...
69, Adult, Age Difference, Anal, Anthro, Anthro on Feral, Areola, Ass, Ass cheek, Ass crack, Asscheek, Asscrack, BBW, Balls, Bestality, Big Breasts, Big beautiful woman, Big beuatiful women, Big butt, BigBreasts, Bigass, Bigbeautifulwomen, Bigbeuatifulwoman, Bigbutt, Bisexual, Blowjob, Boy, Butt, Butt hole, Canine, Cat, Centaur, Cervicalpenetration, Chubby, Cock, Cock Growth, Cock Worship, Cock head, Cock shaft, Cockhead, Cockshaft, Cockworship, Cream pie, Creampie, Cub, Cum Bath, Cum Inflation, Cumshot, Cunnilingus, Cunt Boy, Deep Penetration, Deeppenetration, Deer, Dick, Dick head, Dick sucker, Dickhead, Dicksucker, Dicksucking, Dog, Doggy, Domination/Submission, Double-Penetration, Equine, Erection, Exhibitionism, F on F, F on m, F/F, F/M, Facial, Fat, Feline, Fellatio, Female, Female on female, Female on male, Female/Female, Female/Male, Femaleonfemale, Femaleonmale, Feral, FonF, Fonm, Four some, Four way, Four-way, Foursome, Gay, Girl, Gluteus Maximus, Gluteusmaximus, Hard-On, Heterosexual, Homosexual, Horse, Horsey, Hyper, Incest, Internal, Kitten, Kitty, Knot, Lactation, Large Breasts, Largebreasts, Legs, Lion, M on f, M/F, M/M, M/M/F, Magic, Male, Male on Male, Male on female, Male/Female, Male/Male, Maleonfemale, Man, Messy, Milk, Money Shot, Moneyshot, Monf, Mouse, Nipples, Non Anthro, Non feral, Non-Anthro, Non-feral, Nonanthro, Nonferal, Oral, Orgy, Panda, Penis, Plump, Public, Rear end, Scrotum, Size Difference, Sperm factory, Spermfactory, Straight, Stretching, Submission, Three some, Three way, Threesome, Threeway, Tiger, Tit Fucking, Transformation, Transgender, Underage, Uterine sex, Uterinesex, Uterus penetration, Vaginal, Wolf, Womb fucking, Wombsex, Young, ass cheeks, asscheeks, asshole, belly bulge, big ass, breast milk, breastmilk, cervical penetration, cock sucking, cocksucking, cum inside, dick sucking, double cock, exhibitionist, exposure, f/f/m, feminine, fourway, glans, hetro, hips, maleonmale, masculine, rearend, rump, sack, shaft, stick, stiffy, testicles, thighs, three-way, uterus, woman, womb, womb sex
Don't talk to strangers (Contains rape and snuff)
Don't talk to strangers Halloween night. All the cubs in the neighborhood are dressed up and asking for candy. For most of them, the night ends with a pillowcase filled with candy, but a few, very few learn why they shouldn't talk to strangers, even...
Adult, Afterlife, Age Difference, Aglow, Anal, Baby batter, Baby sauce, Beaming, Beaver, Breath Play, Carnal Abuse, Carnal knowledge, Casualty, Cessation, Clit, Cock, Cock head, Cock juice, Cock shaft, Cockhead, Cohabitation, Coition, Consummation, Copula, Coupling, Cub, Cum, Cum Inflation, Date Rape, Death, Decease, Deep Penetration, Destruction, Dick, Dick head, Dissolution, End, Ending, Eradication, Erection, Eternal Rest, Expiration, Extermination, Facial, Female genitalia, Female genitals, Female sex organ, Fingering, Finis, Florid, Fooling around, Forced, Forced Sex, Forced oral, Forced vaginal, Forcible Intercourse, Fornication, Gash, Gleaming, Going to bed with, Grim Reaper, Hard-On, Heaven, Honey pot, HornyBunny, Horse Cock, Inner lips, Labia majora, Labia minora, Lambent, Lustrous, Male sexual organ, Mating, Mating stick, Member, Messy, Milt, Mortality, Necrosis, Non-Consensual, Non-consensual sex, Nooky, Obliteration, Oblivion, Off spring, Oral, Outer lips, Passing, Passing Over, Peach, Penis, Phallus, Phosphorescent, Prick, Procreation, Prostatic fluid, Pudenda, Pussy, Pussy lips, Putz, Quietus, Rape, Ravishment, Repose, Rubicund, Ruddy, Ruination, Seed, Seminal fluid, Sex, Sex Crime, Sexual Offense, Sexual abuse, Sexual commerce, Sexual congress, Sexual intercourse, Sexual relations, Sexual union, Size Difference, Sleep, Sleeping with, Snuff, Snuggling, Spanking, Sperma, Spermatic fluid, Spooge, Strangulation, Suffused, Termination, Tool, Underage, Unlawful Sexual Intercourse, Uterine sex, Vagina, Vaginal, Vulva, Young, annihilation, asphyxiation, bereavement, box, broken neck, cervical penetration, cherry, child, coitus, copulation, cunt, curtains, darkness, demise, departure, dog cock, downfall, dying, euthanasia, exit, extinction, face fucking, fatality, finish, flush, flushed, glans, glowing, grave, grope, intercourse, intimacy, jizm, jizz, johnson, loss, lovemaking, luminous, molestation, muff, non-con, paradise, parting, pecker, peter, puss, relations, release, rich, ruin, screwing, semen, shaft, silence, slit, snatch, sperm, stick, stiffy, throat fucking, tomb, transfomation, twat, unwilling, uterus, vibrant, violation, vivid, womb, womb sex
A vixen's end
A vixen's end Grace, a vixen with a cream colored belly, golden fur down her arms, legs, and sides with a grey strip down the back. She is wearing a leather corset, leather boots, and a silk thong in a cliché dominatrix look. She is standing in...
Adult, Afterlife, Age Difference, Anal, Areola, Ass, Ass crack, Baby batter, Baby sauce, Ballocks, Balls, Beaver, Big Cock, Blowjob, Bosom, Bottom, Boy, Breasts, Breath Play, Butt, Butt licking, Buttocks, Canine, Carnal knowledge, Casualty, Cessation, Cheeks, Chest, Clit, Clit piercing, Cock, Cock head, Cock juice, Cock shaft, Cockhead, Cohabitation, Coition, Consummation, Copula, Coupling, Cub, Cub Domination, Cubdom, Cullions, Cum, Cum Inflation, Cunnilingus, Curse, Death, Decease, Deep Penetration, Destruction, Dick, Dick head, Dissolution, Dog, Doggy, Domination/Submission, End, Ending, Equine, Eradication, Erection, Eternal Rest, Expiration, Extermination, Face sitting, Female, Female In Charge, Female domination, Female genitalia, Female genitals, Female sex organ, Femdom, Fingering, Finis, Fooling around, Fornication, Fox, Gash, Girl, Gluteus Maximus, Going to bed with, Gonads, Grim Reaper, Hard Sex, Hard-On, Heaven, Heinie, Heterosexual, Honey pot, HornyBunny, Horse, Horsey, Hotdogging Sex Position, Inner lips, Keister, Labia majora, Labia minora, Legs, M/F, Magic, Male, Male genitalia, Male genitals, Male on female, Male sex organ, Male sexual organ, Male/Female, Mammary glands, Mammilla, Man, Masturbation, Mating, Mating stick, Member, Messy, Milk makers, Milk producers, Milt, Mortality, Necrosis, Nipples, Nooky, Obliteration, Oblivion, Off spring, Oral, Outer lips, Passing, Passing Over, Peach, Penis, Phallus, Piercing, Posterior, Prick, Procreation, Prostatic fluid, Pudenda, Pussy, Pussy lips, Putz, Quietus, Rear end, Repose, Revival, Rimjob, Rimming, Rough Sex, Ruination, Scrotum, Seed, Seminal fluid, Sex, Sexual commerce, Sexual congress, Sexual intercourse, Sexual relations, Sexual union, Size Difference, Sleep, Sleeping with, Snuggling, Sperma, Spermatic fluid, Spooge, Straight, Submission, Submissive, Sweater melons, Teasing, Termination, Thong, Tool, Udder, Underage, Uterine sex, Vagina, Vaginal, Vulva, Young, annihilation, asphyxiation, ass cheeks, ass licking, belly bulge, bereavement, box, brutal, buns, bust, can, cervical penetration, cherry, clit ring, coitus, copulation, corset, cunt, curtains, darkness, demise, departure, downfall, dying, euthanasia, exit, extinction, face fucking, fanny, fatality, feminine, finish, front, fun bags, glans, grave, hetro, hips, intercourse, intimacy, jizm, jizz, johnson, loss, lovemaking, masculine, muff, nipple piercing, nipple ring, nuts, offspring, paradise, parting, pecker, peter, puss, rear, relations, release, riding crop, rim, rocks, ruin, rump, sack, screwing, semen, shaft, silence, slit, snatch, sperm, stick, stiffy, sweater puppies, teat, testes, testicles, thighs, throat fucking, tomb, tossed salad, triple penetration, twat, uterus, woman, womb, womb sex