the problem

"Now it's your turn" Ryan's heart began to beat faster as Stephen began to kiss his neck, slowly making his way downwards. He kissed Ryan's nipples lightly, then began to lick and suck on them, gently at first but growing more forceful as he went on....

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My magic friend

First story, Hello furries, scalies and other anthro's, I am the Mutated Bunny Boy this is my first story and if it's good hopefully not my last, please comment as it would mean a lot to me, tips would be appreciated. The main character is based on me...

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Cat's Disgrace

I know that some of my structure is a little awkward in the poem, and probably also in the posting of it. Please bear with me as this is my first. I am VERY eager to hear what anyone thinks of it. Criticism is welcome so long as it's constructive and...

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Pokearth, Chapter 6

Well well, on popular demand, I thought you guys and girls might like this! Chapter 6 "Don't you EVER do that to me again!" I said, hugging Rose tight. She snuggled into his chest, glad to know how much her master cared about...

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Apocolyptica 2: A Falling Star

Apocolyptica 2: A Falling Star Devith crept away from the secret passage that led into Rain's room. He had witnessed the whole scene and grinned deviously. She was growing weak. Even without the prescence or influence of the dirge she...

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A Furry Night - Chp 2

All characters and content are owned by me. No copying with my express permission, please. This is dedicated to my love Seafox for which this story came from his love. This story contains sexually explicted content, sexual intercourse, and other...

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Panda Puppy Action: This is how it ends

It has been three long months since I have subjected myself to any real human contact besides my doctor and roommate Potter, but as my doctor says its time to let the laundry air out. I have to make things right for once, my doctor wants me to find...


First Anniversary

The sun was setting in the crisp October sky. June gazed from the mouth of the cave into the distance to see her love, her mate, silhouetted among the abundant foliage of the naked forest. The deep orange of the sunset continued to wane as the image of...


Wet, Fake Grass 2

Wet fake Grass. prt.2 'Mike' By teh waffly wolfy Not exactly the "snitch" but it's gonna turn out to be worse...If my writing capibilities are up to par...Enjoy to your best extent! :) Thomas pulled away from a green light, noticing the black...

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yiff in Hawai'i 2

IMPORTANT: I wanted to make this as real as possible, im so sick of the BS "Hawaiian" stories I always hear. My characters are speaking pidgin, its like the Hawaiian accent. This is how we talk, I hope you guys can understand it. ENJOY XD ...

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The Chronicles of Trayst: The Blood: Prologue(Rough Draft)

Alright guys, my new series. It's a fantasy story, to get that cleared up right now. Swords and armor and magic and such, so don't be shocked. I set this as adult because this WILL have adult stuff in it, just not in the this. This is the first time...

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Sequel to Just Friends

Like I had promised Hatee, I told Fej. I told him everything. I described the dreams, all of them, how I felt after each one. I told him that at the beginning of each day, after getting over feeling sick, I thanked every deity I could think of for...

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