The Application - 7 (Final)
#7 of the application the cold waters rushed up to meet me when the henchman holding my collar finally let go.
The Zoo, New Applicant
._ _ _ **the zoo, new applicant** "so, i see you found our little advertisement yes?"
Pocket Fox: Application
Frank poured over the paperwork listlessly. He really didn't have the patience for this. The lanky vulpine span the pen in his fingers. "Do I really have to initial each page?" he looked up from the paperwork, bored. The gruff wolf in the lab coat...
Silver Stream Memory 17
"ah yes, well we are going have to put some more ferver and real applications to it. no immediate worries. just remember to shut off the lights when you leave," i replied.
practical applications of psychic powers
Psyche was roving the grounds, or more accurately the gigantic meta sequia in the garden. His recent de-evolution to his ancient ancestor the centipede made this very simple. "Wonderful just when I think I am well adjusted I get turned in to a...
NC 17: Not Accepting Applications
Not accepting applications november 17th prompt: drac as superhero putting his foot down "no, i do _not_ need a sidekick!" draconicon tried to shut the door, but the damn overeager husky slid in anyway.
To Be The Best - Chapter 1: Application
Each year, from the thousands of applicants, we accept only one hundred and fifty, on a semi random basis. from those lucky few, we further divide them into our three dorms, fifty each. you have already been assigned to dorms, based on your applications."
Desperate To Pass {Desperation, WS}
This is my last chance to take this test before the application is due! i really, really want to get in to this school" the professor smiled. "relax, miss sparkles. i understand how it's hard to wake up on a saturday morning.
Pay the Bills #1: The New Applicants
Pay the bills #1: the new applicants "now, you two are the last for today," the chubby elephant said to the fox and otter standing in front of him, "first, why do you want to work at the harder than a rock cafe?"
Edge Walking. Chap 3: Applicant
Chapter 3: applicant no wonder he'd missed it before when copping amphetamines just across the street in years past. it didn't look much different from just another row-home. jamie felt like quite the dunce at that moment.
White Maiden 00
The group of applicators leaved the stand, while some others came out from behind it with boxes filled with soul weights. they began to distribute them amongst the applicants with no specific order.
Troubles of Love, part 4
"scholarship and college applications." "college applications, what for?" "i didn't originally want to go here. i had wanted to go study music in italy." he looked at the otter. "but i'm not so sure anymore." "well, why not?"