Fantasies of Taurs

Home brew mutagens were hardly the safest or most legal of activities. My lab being a couple of instruments on the kitchen worktop, gene synthesizers sharing space with the coffee machine and toaster. But if you wanted something more tailored to...

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Interview with a post-human, the early years

"I'd like to start by thanking you for coming on today" said the interviewer, obviously unnerved by my appearance but attempting to maintain her professional composure. "I understand for a... person such as yourself, going out to attend a meeting can...

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Another Scaly Indulgence

"Oh god yes"! I delightedly cried to myself, impatiently snapping open the buttons of my shirt; to reveal spreading scales across a smooth plump reptilian belly. My excitement building as I witnesses my nipples and belly button melt away into a smooth...

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Request/Trade story - Juno's Story

Sometimes I like to walk around the park of a night. It's peaceful and helps me collect my thoughts after a day of tolerating what you could call a life. The silhouette of nearby vegetation barely visible against the remainder of the daylight as my...

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Resolving compatibility error

"There, it's done!" I said to myself; wiping the sweat from my brow, as the machine powered on to the sound of whooshing fans and beeping monitors, text filling the screens as the operating system began to load. It took many hours of overtime...

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Going Walkies

"Bye mum, I'm taking Buddy for a walk!" The young woman zipped up her fur collared jacket and proceeded to shut the front door behind her, lead in hand. Walking just ahead of her an unusual creature indeed, like a dog yet not. Smooth teal blue...

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Of hive minds and mutation

Clouds... Three otherworldly creatures soared through the sky. Grey skinned and smooth, flat bodied like stingray, swimming through the air while sea rushing past far down below. I hover within it, enveloped by it. Staring outward through a...

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Abandoned story - Mutagenic hospital

Chapter One I open my eyes. I still feel tired... I didn't really sleep well last night. I wasn't woken by my alarm so I must still have some time, so I close them again and attempt to return to sleep. It doesn't work, it never really works, there...

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Abandoned Story - Virtual Story WIP

Upon accepting the invitation my surroundings began to fade. Replaced by the shapes of the new instance of a room loading around me, quickly filling with depth and detail, a rush of tingling sensations across my body as it became aware of the new...

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Abandoned Story - Dragon TF journal

-Booting... optical GUI loaded, please follow setup procedure... -Registration successful, Sarah Allinson. -Journal, 2nd Aug 2157, entry \_. -Open record. Yesterday they installed my neural optical interface and the setup procedure was...

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Abandoned Story - Mother Dino

"What a view," I said to myself, while riding the elevator up the side of the tall building. It was an external elevator; and offered a view of the entire city as it climbed higher. Most of the structures were old and patched up as needed, ugly,...

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Going Buggo

Left... right... jump. Everything else had disappeared as I leaned back into the bean bag and focused on the game. Oh man, I was in the zone. The controller in my hands disappearing behind the veil of muscle memory as me and my bud Sam took on the...

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