Misty's Trip
"package for gym leader misty from celadon." "celadon?" misty quirks an eyebrow and takes the box, signing off for it as she looks at the return address. she smirks and pays the man a tip, bidding him farewell before she tears into it.
Dragon Story: Prologue
The blue dragon said kindly to celadon, bowing in return "we well make sure we pay him a visit and cure his disease. now, if i, kajatica, dragon goddess, may ask you to tell your side of the story about all of this happened."
The Human Species Ch. 41 - Loyal Vigilante Entei
Morning had come to the bustling city of celadon once more, as zoroark sat perched by his favorite window and watched the sunrise. the window itself, although a fine craft, was not the reason why he had taken such a liking to this particular spot.
The Perfume (Anthro Shaymin TF/TG/MC) [TRADE]
And recently, celadon city has had a new claim to fame, their perfume and cologne shop.
Second Chance
The second-largest city in kanto, celadon was filled with tall buildings, bustling streets, and throngs of people. the tallest of all of the buildings was the celadon department store, a huge mall built into a one-hundred-story skyscraper.
Lost Pokemon Episode: 14- One Night in Celadon
By: hakuzonightfox episode 14: one night in celadon \>\>\>narrator: last episode andrew got his beloved dratini stolen by one of the many thieves attracted to celadoncity.
Cops Love Doughnuts
It was a beautiful evening night in celadon city. most pokemon were getting out of work on this calm wednesday.
The Pokemon Journey -- Team Xaos Attacks!
But it knew it would be in celadon city before the trio, where it can train and become stronger and finally achieve his dream of defeating kelly.
Eddie's Pokemon Adventure: The Lovers
"i got pewter, cerulean, saffron, fuchsia, and well obviously vermillion, but i'm going for celadon on tuesday." matt switched off the tv with one click to the remote. "tuesday's tommorrow, we should go to celadon." i stated impassively.
Ninetales' Revenge
celadon can't be that far away, he thought, and maybe if he loses the rest of the group, he could get some street clothes and leave this whole life behind.
A Different Kind of Training - part 7
We were heading east towards celadon city. the sun shone brightly overhead. it's blaring heat was torture. it was long since buizel and kecleon requested to return to the balls to escape the heat.
Passions Flames Chapter 2: Celebration
With a contented sigh i closed my eyes and dozed off in her lap as the victory limo continued along the way to mistress eon's celadon penthouse.