Tristen's fight (Wanderer part 2)

As he wandered back to the ddr machine he didn't see jill anywhere. "where is she?" he muttered to himself. "where is who?" said a voice behind him.

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The Same Heartbeats Chapter 2

Later, that evening, they go to the arcade that was filled with people: kids and grown-ups alike "so, ddr match?"

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G.R.R. Chapter 14

Sounds and lights start flickering as the ddr machine starts up. i quickly nip back up to my feet.

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Furries University Chapter 3: Another wolf?

"me" spoke kitsune "i've been fine, i have gotten way better at ddr, and as you can tell i'm still pretty much the same. except i'm taller and i have a much longer tail".

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Furries University Chapter 14: Free day

"oh yeah, i was just gonna ask if you wanted to play ddr with us" asked kitsune "but you should go see the nurse badly". "i think i will thanks...but...awww man ddr that's no fair" spoke ryan "how long are you playing?"

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My knight in Shinning Armour ch5

Alex's eyes scanned the quite empty arcade slowly, his eyes stopping at the ddr station with a grin. david followed his eyesight and grinned himself "lets have a go at it." dragging alex over to the machine.

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A Day In Fame ~ Chapter 2 ~

I'm pretty good at ddr." i reported with triumph in my voice. lately i had gotten the odd feeling that i, we, were being watched. it kind of un-nerved me, especially when i could see no one around that might be following us.

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All you need is Love: Chapter 5

She ran into another room and came back out with two ddr pads and a ps2. "how about some ddr?" she asked. the girls all shrugged and agreed. jessica was usually the best at the game but they all still enjoyed trying to beat her.

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1989 The Year of the RED an alternative cold war.

In the ddr,living conditions were much better than the west and people tried to the pass the berlin wall built by the us and west germany.ussr was the worlds power house but communism was spreading.


When You Fight for Your Dreams: Chapter 9: Confessions....(Part 2)

I mentioned, as i noticed a ddr extreme machine near us, which immediately caused me to go over and put my money into the machine to play it. "oh nice, i've tried ddr a couple of times but my feet are too big for it hehe." dracon replied.

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Average Night

First, he tried to upgrade the ram, but it was the old ddr 266, which he had none of and was too expensive.

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