The Changing Room

The falconry themed gimp mask is a no. the silver bangles on your tail are a yes. the corset is a no. the half-length pink button-up draped over your shoulders is a yes. the satin runners draped around your wings is a no.

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Her Claim to a Slave

The eagle, however, could only stand there, trembling as she drew a falconry hood over his head, the smooth leather blocking out his view of the dragons shouting for more. his shoulder burned. his ankles ached.

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The Rave

Small songbirds hung and kissed upside-down from the rafters; eagles wrestled and fought one another for dominance and mating rights; dietmar even saw a secretary bird wearing a straightjacket and a falconry hood standing rigid-straight on his long

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Moonbunny and Sunrabbit

"i hope they have some falconry for him over at that hill place. is it still called falconry if you have an eagle? or is it eaglery?" "dunno," jani said from moon's shoulder, where he had been sitting ever since he dared to come out of sun's pocket.

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The Forgotten 8: Homecoming

He had once practiced falconry quite regularly and found joy in hunting with the large eagles and falcons. even now that he had fallen out of the habit, he was known to keep a parrot to amuse himself with. he knew one indisputable fact.

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Flock of the Rubber Space Pirates

The one before her, ca-44, given by the smooth black visor on his head, with white lettering writing out his designation, a sleek design with visor dome and falconry hood in its creation.

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Sunless Era - 2/2

"this is called a falconry hood. darkness has a strong subduing effect on birds. but back to the topic: this lesson will be interactive, put some gloves on, both of you." poco understands the scenario is deviating from what she knows.

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To Trap a Jailbird

Nils first thought to himself that the lady was sure making things the safe way... but when she pulled the last item from the chest and it looked like an falconry hood, he scratched "safe" for "weird again".

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