Leaving the Den
I've seen it ... " "azure's been re-training himself in arboreal gymnastics, and now he's ... training juneau, and ... there's going to be competition. a lot of the squirrels are getting involved. i thought i might join." "gymnastics?"
High School Days Ch5: Locker Room Blues
Tyler, who was dressed in only his football pads and jock strap, had the much smaller gymnast pushed against his locker, the front of nathan's gymnast uniform balled up in his fist.
asfl chap 3 Salamander
Luckly he wasn't later and went straight for the gymnastics equipment and started practacing.
Ebony Work In
But the drink kicked in again, charlot jumped off of vincent with feline grace, and did a few gymnast plants on the edge of the kitchen counter above vince.
A New Life in a New Body: Characer Bios pt 2
By the time i was 12 a local gymnastics team had noticed me and they took me in for very little, i had to work the gym's stand in order to cover the costs, taking up a lot of my time, all of my time was taken by school or gymnastic activities after that.
Part 1 - The Knotty Trip
It felt really good as his member extended further into her muzzle, much like he'd seen some older boys and girls do in the locker room after gymnastics classes or swimming lessons.
Hawthorne University - Part IV
The bus eventually arrived at seneca valley school district, and the teams entered the gymnastics facility. in the locker rooms before the events, the teams all got ready together because of the small number of boys in their gymnastics programs.
John Hammond: Revenge Of Darkness
Said kelly gymnastically. "good, now be careful as i do the thing!" tim said foreshadowingly. so lex run to the operation systems, but they were full of traps like lasers and tar pits!
Right Place, Right Time...
The lights out front said there was a gymnastics exhibition competition going on, and he made the sprint for it. "not my best choice, but it will have to do."
Ch 8 - Blades and Bodies
The four furrs of the small gymnastics team were all dressed in tight light-blue spandex shorts and white grip-socks and gloves. samuel couldn't stand still; he jittered from foot to foot.
CBS - Red Knight
Let me guess, gymnast jane?" she frowned, gripping the stick harder. "diva-knight!" in reality, the 19 year old was named cathie. though he was right about the gymnast thing.
A Lizard's Tail...Part One
He even obtained a scholarship for gymnastics which luckily was enough to pay his way through college. he couldn't get into yale or princeton but orlando state was good enough for him.