His tail freezes and then he gradually relaxes, panting...daxy: goood kitty, that'll work great for a comfy diapey.daxy smoochy kissies on yure's forehead. yure is fully relaxed, eyes barely open and his breathing is labored. he is a bit dizzy.
018 - Prime pt.01
-well, i'm sure they can wait to start on them tomorrow, getting a little a kissy has to be important for the psyche too right? justifies butters to their cat, who of course was an expert on psychiatric medication.
Mlp: LP pt 2 (preview)
The brown pony only smiled even wider while leaning closer, making kissy faces toward sonic. "is that a promise?" "argh!" getting out of bed he went downstairs to get some food, while doctor love skipped right behind him with the same grin on his face.
Warm Up | 20 - A Good Lesson In Love
"kissies," ricky says, the words float around the gray fox and kiss his cheeks.
Love, Kosa
Then turn around and was all kissy-kissy with some chick! i'm not your toy! you can't just play games with my emotions!" he sobbed, tears catching in his thoat. about this time, sie had hopped from the bed and crossed the room to kosa's side.
A Love Story-The Beginning
While making kissy faces at me why was he acting like this? "no!" "are you sure?" he said as he got down on all fours and crawled towards me like he was stalking prey. i made a soft whimpering sound "please stop..." i whined quietly.
Preconceptions Prologue
No special other to make kissy faces at. perfect. cue psychology, stage left. the teacher was odd. a lion that introduced himself as dr. higs. khaki pants with paint stains, a dress shirt with one of the sleeves rolled up. a loose tie.
Shadow's Evil Seed 1: Amy
She says, closing the cabinet and looking at herself in the mirror, making a kissy face. "perfec! now i just need to decide what to wear..." she says, looking through her wardrobe.
046 - The Fool pt.06
The wardrobes, a desk and chair, a spare bunk bed for non-kissy guests and also just the miscellaneous floor void where stuff like the vacuum cleaner live. to the left is a hoooooge bed, whatever is past king sized.
I See Alphys, I See Francis (Alphys X Francis): Part 2
"-mew mew kissy cutie 2 with me?"
Daughters of Bastet
This is a commission for JadenYuki90 (Deviantart.com) Warning: This story contains, breast expansion, butt expansion, growth and lactation. Oh, and lesbians too! Daughters of Bastet, by DragonMasterX. "This is it," Anna said as she...
Just another furry love story
The pair walk into class and sit next to each other while immature boys make kissy noises at the two. samantha rolls her eyes "losers" she says under her breath. skyler is still wondering why he still feels like this.