The Lizard’s Biggest Crush. Chapter two.
The Lizard's Biggest Crush (Story Commission) Chapter two. Amidst complete darkness, the light from his cellphone was the sole source of illumination, casting only a few inches around Zee. He was utterly stunned. His heart raced, while his...
Loom of passion (Rated R version)
September, 1940. The foggy clouds of the war were covering Paris ever since the invasion by the German forces began four months ago. The Eiffel Tower was standing in the middle of the city. Black and undisturbed by even the constant noise from the...
By the light Chapter 11 Looming shadows...
Chapter 11...looming shadows... six months on... **thhhhhhwock!** "getting better... you need to stiffen your shoulders slightly as when you release the string, your arrow shaft is catching it as you waver."
By the light... Chapter 11 Looming shadows
looming shadows... _note: chapter 11 of by the light, written by ruthofpern_ _six months on..._ **thhhhhhwock!** "getting better...
Dusk Ch. 2 Looming Cloud
#2 of dusk dusk ch. 2 enjoy the moment under looming clouds mediteral it was morning, the rising sun faded out in the cloudy skies. sitting up slowly, jack the dragon rubbed his eyes and cleared his fuzzy head with a yawn.
Fruit of the Fur-Loom (Commission by Bearmonster)
Fruit of the Furloom By bearmonster Charn let out a happy sigh. Heading out of work a little early to enjoy a little bit of a stroll along the beach had been a good idea. The rapturously warm heat from the pleasantly cloudy sky...
'Loom'-ing over me - Chapter 11
Lumina snapped towards the looming figures in her doorway. "sorry for the early stop-by, but we understand that you work rather early, and we wanted to ensure we were able to speak with you."
Deific Day Out
The mass of black, red, green and other grotesque colors and shapes spread like a plague upon the heavenly cloud, only for an immense shadow to loom over them.
Downsized and in the Paw of a Tiger
It should lock the door, and there's a bed, kitchen, and even a bathroom for you to use inside," said the thunderous voice of the gigantic tiger, crouched and looming over the horizon, putting on a spectacular show with the muscularity of his thighs, and of
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 26: The Fear And The Frightened
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 26: The Fear And The Frightened** My conversation with the professor disturbed me. So much that I had trouble sleeping that evening despite being within the embrace of my females. We were lying on...
The Narrow Road in Morning Light
He held there a full second, then abruptly grabbed the loom and slammed it against the wolf with an angry yell. hisae toppled to the floor, the loom crashing on top of her.
Artie's Groundhog Life
The dragon quipped eagerly, looming a large hand down to grasp the tiny fox up.