Taken to Market
"good morning my friends, i'm so glad to see you on such a lovely day at the cambelien eastern market!" she called, drawing applause from the full market square.
Mass Marketing
That's partly why we released the product to the market, in the hopes of expanding our pool to draw from." "so you want to use me to produce this stuff?" "no use is involved.
Stud on the Market
My father said did not want to be a part of this conversation, but my mother announced that she placed an classified ad in the local paper advertising that i was on the market.
Viral Marketing
This new viral marketing thing is going to take off, i'm sure of it!"
Bull Market
There were many things that Maya enjoyed about her job. Counting flasks of dragon spunk was not one of them. "Are we really down to just two?" she mumbled to herself. The tigress was on her paws and knees, her round butt and furry tail sticking out...
A Day At The Market
They did not like the way the fennec looked at their genitals like fruit at a market stand. "yes," he said, "i am in the market for a big, strong male. may i have a closer look?" "of course," replied the trader.
Down in the Markets
A desert city lies beneath a burning globe. The sand beneath is colored in swathes of orange and yellow that mix together along with the beiges of the gathered city buildings. Each home and building seemed to rise above the other leaving room between...
Mythica Market
The back of the mythica market was nothing too fancy to look at. it was surrounded by thick trees and hedges, affording a little bit of privacy.
From the market
He had been angry when he was in the market. she didn't recall the anger being directed at any of the people in cages, but rather anger in general, possibly at nutless infection, but only some of it.
Horse Market
Welcome to the horse market." despite his training, the lion felt his pulse quickening. the delicate malice in the weasel's voice struck him as more of a threat than the pain in his shoulders.
A day at Market
He picked up a box of goldfish crackers and place them inside of a shopping cart. The Tiger hummed and sighed to himself. He still hadn't decided how he should prepare for meals this week. He had been trying to eat Tofu more and more, but it always...
Dark Destiny - Chapter 2
I was actually starving despite the breakfast mother made us, so i accepted and we went to the food market to get some thing together for lunch.