High School is Hell - Sloth

torpor had backstabbed us and we were not going to take it just sitting around. with our combined influence, we began reaching out to the other sloth demons around us, infusing them with our energy and drive to get back at torpor.

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Burdens - Chapter 12: Incubus

With the lack of oxygen, the sudden force, and shock upon him, he fell unconscious, in a dreamless torpor.

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Utah Extreme: Chapter 1, Part 1

The whir of the suits air conditioning was the first thing the bounty hunter known as utah bard heard upon waking from her torpor.

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Strenuously his torpor was irritated, thus waking him to an extent, his peripheral vision straining to gain sight upon the writhing figurine.\* "m-morg..gana..?"\*a plea to alleviate the dilemma.\* "morgana!"

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Crimson Twilight: Chapter 2: It Begins

Instead of being killed hark was put into torpor for one decade, long enough to reduce the strength of his blood. once he emerged from his torpor he sought out mike. they have been inseparable since then.

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Sits and the Temple of Boom

The sound was loud enough to wake sits from his torpor. he yawned and stretched out his arms, opening his eyes to be greeted by the bright glow of the afternoon sun.

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The Scorpion Queen

It took months before she was as agile as before, but strategically placed warming gems kept her arachnid half from torpor and gave her much more protection that before.

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You Can Find Everything at Market North

He considered stopping for a live organ next, at the risk of going into torpor in a public place. several people stopped to sniff his exposed slit as they passed. he returned the gesture by flicking his tongue over their ass as they turned to leave.

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Sedated into torpor there was no danger of resistance or stray movement breaking the circles. nor had they been easily or cheaply procured. the python had devoured more than one armsman and even now its thirty feet of muscle barely fit within the lines.

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The Mare

A snort and firm nuzzling took me out of my torpor, i had no choice but to wake up and stirred. it took me a minute to adapt to the light in the room and understand where i was.

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I Need A Hero

Stimuli and response had been accorded, much of it painful, and right now he was in a state of torpor. where have all the good men gone and where are all the gods? seito thought back, on how he had come to such an ignoble situation.

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Aquarium Blues

She felt a cold torpor seize her from time to time, realizing that her now cold-blooded metabolism was reacting sluggishly as she found herself in the colder sections of the tank.

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