Moire must've left for the village. that was where he wanted to go earlier, if not for the fatigue. his fatigue. decro bit his lip.
_this was his fault._
but what could he do now? should he go to the village to look for moire?
BDSM, Bad end, Blindfold, Bondage, Boy, Bull, Canine, Decro, Demon, Dragon, Encase, Encasement, Encasing, End, Forced, Freezing, Gag, Gay, Hypnosis, Ice, Identity, Identity loss, Inanimate, Inanimate transformation, Lupine, M/M, Male, Male/Male, Man, Mask, Medieval, Men, Mind Control, Mm, Moire, Moire_Dragon, NC, Non-Consensual, Nonconsensual, Object, Reptile, Scalie, Scaly, Solo, Statue, Statue TF, Statue transform, Statue transformation, Statuefication, Statufication, TF, Third Person, Third person pov, Transformation, Twistedsnakes, Villain, Villain/victim, Wolf, bad, brain, brainwash, control, deprivation, dude, face, freeze, frozen, guy, hood, kidnap, loss, mental, mind, mummification, muzzle, non-consent, noncon, nonconsent, objectification, permanent, restraints, rewrite, sensory, sensory deprivation, takeover, transform, victim, wash