Revving Your Engines

Laran sliced the zipties with a claw and gently lifted his exhausted mate up into his arms, carrying him gently into the house. pence purred softly and licked at laran's neck. "does this mean i get to keep it?"

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Thin Ties: Pt. I

Thin Ties Pt. I Pinefall is a little town in Northwestern California, past the San Francisco Bay, past the Mendocino Redwoods, past even Eureka. It is so far North, in fact, that it borders on being an Oregon town. Pinefall is squirreled away...

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The Performance Review

He stood up, walked around the desk, wrapped the ziptie around her wrists, and pulled it tight. nadine yelped when she felt the tie dig into her wrists.

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My Life - continued

No water, no shelter, and i finally see the ziptie around my nose, barely. just great, just fucking great, now what? other than being a little sore i guess i'm alright, hope he doesn't leave me here too long.

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"Skunks In The Wild" - Story by Kaz

He tested the zipties again and winced as they bit into his wrists a bit, sending pain up his arm.

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Making Connections

In no time his kidnapper had unfastened the buttons of his dress shirt and slid the garment down behind the panting sciurid as far as it would go, down to the ziptie at his wrists.

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The Otaku and the Good Boy 2: Maybe Girlfriend, Maybe More (Commission)

Leather restraints, rope, tape, and even zipties. but this, vacbed as she called it, felt different. as if the vole was inside a latex sock compressed against him, holding his arms and legs out with nothing but the lack of air to keep them steady.

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Soft on the Outside.

Wresting off the lion's boots and socks she ziptied the ankles together too, before picking up the roll of silver tape she'd had. wrapping it around her clothed thighs.

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Kazu's New Job

Kazu whimpered as he pulled his tail between his legs, covering his soft pink cock and his brown-furred groin in vain before anton grabbed his arms, pulling them together and quickly ziptieing them. "hey, get used to putting yourself on display, kiddo.

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Failing Security

Before he could put up much of a fight his assailant had slipped his paws into a plastic ziptie and tightened it up mercilessly.

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Short-short stories part 10

They grab him; one manages to pull his hands behind him, and the other fastens his wrists with a ziptie. the rhino unzips and pushes his cock in the marmot's face.

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A Renegade Reborn - 10 - This Town's Not Big Enough

Tally then flipped him onto his face and ziptied the dog's wrists with zipties that came out of his own wrists. "okay, tally, that's enough," mike called out, then looked around. "holy shit! what a fucking, what, whoa! look at his head!"

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