Finding Pride

Unfortunately his loyal followers, devoted undead bureaucrats all, took their sweet ass time doing anything about it.

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Enochian: Book 2, Chapter 21

Someone probably in the circle of wrath, or who spent a long-ass time there. it's someone who i might be familiar with, or have even served a summons before.

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Knocked Up in the Jurassic, Chapter 2

If another male of any kind even looked at me it was kick-ass time. of course i'd help him do it too. he was the only male i wanted. if another male allosaurus showed up sniffing after me he got both of us on his ass.

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Chapter Three: A Touch of Sand and Heat

I might not have any pokemon on me, but i could still punt your ass. time and distance seemed abstract as i walked. only once i reached a grove of coconut trees did i stop.

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Detective Sphinx Investigates

Over the next half hour harold had taken his sweet ass time clubbing his nuts flatter and flatter, and finally working the last three spiked balls down into his cock. taurus's cock had stretched out to twice its size.

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Plastic Stars in Our Private Galaxy

Sammi was taking his sweet-ass time with my drink. "dane, seriously, i'm not in the mood to fuck around tonight. or to fuck tonight. or whatever. i just want a drink and then i want to go home." pulling his paw back, dane took a longer sip of his drink.

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And With His Many Jagged Teeth 1 - The Desert Welcomed Him

_ "i admit it's been a long-ass time since we had any gecko meat but you look about the same sort, not to be a racist or anything...though frankly yer not even human so this is preferable." _gecko meat?!

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Chaos Chapter 3: Prison Break

"i doubt he'll be back for a long ass time." "for all of our sakes, i hope you're right." minato commented offhandedly. hank looked over to minato, noticing the unimpressed look on his face and groaned.

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Eternal Universe - Chapter One

This ship only has five extra-large gun turrets on top and bottom, times two for secondary guns. it's too far away to see the point defense guns, but i know from my time commanding the ship class that it has full coverage.

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"now look who's in a fucking rush after taking his sweet ass time. yeah, lets go." veil stated with a grin, and the crowd finally turned to leave. it didn't take the group too long to arrive at their destination.

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A Pokemon Ranger's (Sand)Slash Fiction

To be continued _post story notes:_ _~man, its been a long-ass time since i last posted something. haven't been able to write much in the past few months for multiple reasons.

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