(C) Playing With Yourself
"i-i guess you can tell everyone who tells you to go fuck yourself that you already did now." max grunted again as the clone said a joke he had decided not to. "i'm a lot more sassy when i'm the bottom."
Legend of Krystal - Rebirth: A Vicious Ambush
"go fuck yourself, pervert!" krystal stormed away with her tail hanging as low as she could muster. with nowhere else to go, the vixen went straight to the female's tent, and told meiri what she had told the guard. meiri didn't believe her either.
From Defeat Comes Victory (7/7)
"but i'm going to have to decline, however my counteroffer is for you to go fuck yourself." the lizardman laughed once more as his projection sat down at the head of the unconscious rubber arctic fox. "it's a shame then..."
Gryph in the Gullet 2
Gave them both the thought of 'go fuck yourself'.
Maverick Hotel Part 26
"kindly go fuck yourself with a cheese grater, low."
The Honor of The Family
"go fuck yourself!" the girl left the first blade jammed into her interrogation subject and produced a slender needle with the flick of a wrist. she angled it then quickly jammed it into the man's left shoulder.
A Fox Behind Bars part 1
"go fuck yourself, dimitri. or fuck each other. i don't care." "bastard!" dimitri growled. i watched him watching (as much as he could) blake. that horrible buzzing signaled the wolf's final exit. dimitri faced me.
Why don't you go fuck yourself? oh, wait, you can't," the black and neon fured teen said. "it's not my fault you parents gave birth to a freak. why couldn't they just pick a gender and be done with it?"
Evening edition (Pledge Drive, Part 2)
"go fuck yourself, danny." _mmf. that's it, growl for me_. "alright," he decided. the chicken was long since cold anyway, and what else was he gonna do? "that's enough of that. get over here." "why?" "because i told you to."
Truth or Dare Chapter 13: Lost
If you think you are going to play me in the same manner you can go fuck yourself." "et wahs nicht ah queshon or rehqueest," stated commander ross giving marcus critical look, unmoved by the quiet outburst, "thurn en chu wehpon or acceept chu pohsstion.
Dope Donkey Party
"go fuck yourself brad." no longer amused, brad glared at his scrawny classmate. "well, if i don't, then you might try." he then looked to jeremy, "have at him boys, i have to get home. my dad wanted me to come home early so we could plan my party."
Earth's New Masters Chapter 24 Sex With The Ferals
Why don't you go fuck yourself!" beau replied sticking his tongue out at me, smirked at me and went back to french kissing his master. my master chuckled.