My girl is a boy part 2 - Exploring oneself

Jake entered and stood next to a raccoon in a business suit trying his best to ignore the other two.

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Vignettes: Like Father, Like Son

Down the boy shrank, his age ticking backwards, taking him down to kindergarten age, swimming in his business suit. the rabbit teen just stood in a mix of shock and amusement as his dad got younger still, now just a toddler, then a baby.

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Sisyphean Hope: Chapter 5 (Commission)

Tall, wide, with a gray business suit that barely contained his frame. "good afternoon, sir," mr. holt bowed his head, "i trust this is about adamos." "that it is."

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Lab Work

The blue drake always looked immaculate in his business suit. "i should never have approved this," he rumbled to himself with a huff of smoke from his nostrils.

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Beautiful Twilight: Split Special

She pointed towards a small bundle of clothing that quite resembled the stallion's business suit he walked in wearing. he stood up slowly, and walked over, fishing free a fat wallet. he opened it, and handed her a two hundred dollar bills.

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A warm night

The female wolfess said, also dressed in a silver business suit going to hug the mousette around the waist as lilah squeaked happily at the attention.

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I mean the business suit who wants more than just a feel... the first-timer - the school male - these guys fall head over tail for me! you can see it in their eyes. they would give up everything for you...

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An Invincible Summer Ch. 2 - The Lines Have Been Drawn

It was a gray business suit with a knee-high skirt that concealed just enough to leave the rest up to the imagination. more spotted fur appeared beneath her knees, the color changing due to the dark socks she wore.

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Shadowrun: The Changeling Escort Service, chapter 1

The secretary took my coat, and there i was, looking like a nerd in my out of style pinstriped business suit with my dress shirt open and my tie not pushed up to my neck. nervous, i took my seat.

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MDTV Episode 1: Shaina

The lights on the right side of the room suddenly boom on, revealing a very-recently awoken shaina, also wearing a business suit. "wh-what the-?... what is this? where are we? and..." she mutters groggily, grabbing at her suit.



I, and the rainbow of new girly dragons were forced at gunpoint into a different room where a few business suited men stood.

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Hard Labour

The smaller fox in his neat business suit didn't so much as look at me from his big-budget, well-polished wooden desk, hiding away behind the tense paw clamped to his face. "the, uh..." my shirt collar closed in around my neck.

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