Slavery Legalized - Chapter 19: A Promise to the Pups

Running was randall's standard way of dealing with problems.

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[Draconicon] The Shell Shop

You see, 'carl' is a program that was made to interact with guests, manage the store, target dysfunctions, and deal with problems before they could truly manifest.

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The (Un)Usual Business 2

They were responsible for that too, of course - there was not a female in the society that was not able to work at that role - but they were also responsible for the safety of the girls, for dealing with problem clients, and most of all, they were responsible

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Through the Horizon: Dasher's Return

He was unique and would draw attention, yet his smooth way of dealing with problems would allow him to slide into any situation and deal with it calmly and effectively. at the same time, dasher had become known as the demon cat.

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How the Bouncer Entertains Himself 12

Ever since he'd started working here and gotten to know the other man - and had seen the way that he worked with his body rather than his mind, using his strength rather than his smarts to deal with problem customers - he had a problem with him.

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Darkness and Starlight 27 - I'll Wait For You

Tell everyone that you've gone away somewhere, that you need to deal with problems at home, make up whatever excuse you want. stay with me for that whole week...just so i can remember you the way you are now." "...okay. i'll stay one more week."

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Spirit Bound: Chapter 13

The trouble had been dealt with, but now there were more problems for the society's people to deal with -- problems that couldn't be put off. geoff and faelen left for home, leaving nathanial to call his father and get the society here pronto.

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{Golden Typewriter Award Entry Submission Copy} Darkness and Starlight 27 - I'll Wait For You

Tell everyone that you've gone away somewhere, that you need to deal with problems at home, make up whatever excuse you want. stay with me for that whole week...just so i can remember you the way you are now." "...okay. i'll stay one more week."

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We deal with problems that no others can. this is ours." i glanced over to archer. he looked like a small, scared pup. "you think your dogs can handle this?"

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Spirit Bound: Chapter 147

I still have more sedatives ready if he proves to be troublesome, but it is best for mages to deal with problem mages." liam sighed and braced himself for an argument as he opened the door at the base of the stairs.

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Lykos 2-10 - Coping Strategies

Given your background, i think you and i are a lot alike, dealing with problems in the moment." thackary said. "have you seen some action?" auel asked. thackary looked up at that, his eyes extra icy before he nodded. "i have.

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