The Park Incident

A different look in the creature's eyes, powerful, rather than jovial. he felt a genuine attachment to the creature, strangely enough.

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The Park Incident

A different look in the creature's eyes, powerful, rather than jovial. he felt a genuine attachment to the creature, strangely enough.

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The deep amber eyes, powerful chin and full ears were all the signs of a male in his prime who had been blessed by the gods to hold power untold within his massive body as he stood there looming above terrain like the moon as he overshadowed the smaller feline

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 45

"i'd like to know why you think that" "a fledgling with such potential, remarkable" marble giggled happily, her chest took another deep breath, once more catching sparx' attention in the embrace of her eyes "power and blinding, and we dragons

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Breaking Twilight

_glowing green eyes, powerful magic, this gunk... oh no, no no no no no!_she began to breathe heavily as her adrenalin kicked in, and the purple unicorn took a moment to control her panic. _i've got to get out of here and warn the princesses!

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The Draconian and The Argonians: Procreation (II)

Zar-kith studied his son, the defiance in mal's posture, the earnestness in his eyes. "power uncontrolled is power wasted--or worse, power that leads to ruin," zar cautioned. "if you must pursue this path, do so with caution.

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Paid in Other Ways - Commission for blackmist333

A curt shove of her hips brought her dick further down his head, swallowing his eyes. powerful muscles prevented so much as a single twitch or jerk of the neck. trying to push off only made her clench harder. aolonna gritted her teeth.

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A Shifters Tale

My eye powered down and a few seconds later powered back up showing me that the new upgrades were installed successfuly, i got up and headed over to the small fridge and pulled out some leftover chinese food and began eating.

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Love Is In The Air! Wentworth's First Crush! (Part 2)

Gargos and matthew engage in an air battle as gargos flies behind matthew as he grabs the dragling by his neck as fulgore locks onto matthew with his laser eyes powering up.

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United Through Two Worlds Chapter 18

Will gave a short grunt of disapproval, but still had that look of great contemplation in his eyes. power to rend the very fabric of space and time at will belonging to organic creatures was ludicrous; it was practically equal to the power of a god.

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Gilded Cage: Chapter 21

Before he could register precisely what had happened, the ceullus was upon him in the blink of an eye. powerful hands lifted him up and pressed back, pinning the man against the wood.

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Order Up 2: The Promotion

Suddenly he is staring into those gorgeous eyes, powerful and full of lust; the fox climbs on top of him, straddling his body and practically ramming the back of his head into the pallets.

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