Chapter 15 - Focus Eurasia! Return of the Chilling Assassin! (Part 1)

It was a standard blue two piece suit for lawyers, but it worked in all occasions where formal wear was required.

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Character Sheet - Reese

-x- formal wear primary outfit: a formal japanese style kimono, worn to entirely cover her body properly.

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First Meeting

Freddy, on the other hand, had tried to stay somewhat formal, wearing a white dress-shirt, with a black bow-tie on it, and a black three-piece. somewhat formal. "you're bonnie?" freddy asked, smirking slightly, "you don't look like a girl to me."

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Wolfentraum: The Prologue

Now he glanced down at his phone - he slid it back together, leaving the text unfinished, uncomfortable with himself, positively tormented by his formal wear.

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One Small Life - Part 2: Nothing but the Usual

He'd slapped on a simple t-shirt this time, abandoning any sort of formal wear after the dozenth trip or so.

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Depths of Devotion

"let's get you out of this dull formal wear." what a night this has turned out to be for the young pup!

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The Suprise

Frankly, the boy hated wearing stuffy stuff like his "formal wear" as much of it was warm and it certainly didn't help him cool down with his thick fur.

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The Distant Year - CHAPTER 5

"_three hours_ i stood in attendance with a whole skin of water trying to make its way out of me, heavy formal wear and tight hose making it five times worse. by then i couldn't manage it, and my will gave out.

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Dominick’s Men’s Wear Plus

To that end, he did have the services of a tailor who had made him a couple of custom suits at no small expense, but one couldn't, even if they wanted to, wear formal wear at all times, no matter how good you looked in it.

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Half n' Half

The guy was too formal, wearing a tux and hair slicked back, silken red gloves over his hands and matching sunglasses, at night. nick was in his shorts and a red tank top, a cigarette in his mouth and a lighter poised in front of him. "uh, what?"

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Character Sheet: Lyla (hyper)

Open back/shoulderless dresses for formal wear. custom maternity/nursing bras are basically necessary no matter what she wears when clothes are involved.

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