a wolves love story: chapter three

Pedro, a mexican wolf that just joined the pack and also an alpha, said as he ran into nicks springs. pedro was one of nicks few friends and also one of his many admirers.

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Chapter 5 "Closure"

The nervous and sweaty mexican wolf in the front row was looking at the confused weasel, wondering if he had the courage to step up after all.

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Breaking in the New Mattress

Tossing her top at ian's face, the maned wolf make quick work of her brassier while the mexican wolf struggled just to get that garment off the end of his muzzle.

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Micro in the Mud

The mexican wolf had to be just barely six inches tall, a micro as most would call him in comparison to the otter that towered before him.

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On the Run

With the company hot on their tails, it's tough to imagine quite how they'd make their escape... but leave it up to a pair of wily mexican wolves to find the way. this work was originally released a few weeks ago to my patreon patrons.

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Worked To The Bone [Patreon Commission]

mexican wolf, i think she is; got the right coloration. not about any of that body-modification stuff." "mhmm," lortian had replied, and not much else.

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Sins of the Father

Given the average lifespan of the mexican wolf, this was more likely to be a great-grandpup of the original donor. francesco was sure that this wolf, this pack, was descended from the wolf he romantically called his sire.

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Fast Friends [Commission]

There was that soccer player, the mexican wolf with the thick accent whom you particularly enjoyed watching in the shower; he knew that you watched him, and he let you.

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Blood, Sweat, and Diesel: Chapter 11

Okie's father was a mexican wolf, and his mother was a husky. my guess is that she took him and raised him up north, where he had to grow up among "real" wolves. if being brought up like that can't make a person crazy, i don't know what would.

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Confident Convict

Licos stood pretty tall for a brown mexican wolf: his chest and lower muzzle half-chin a light shade of grey while a charcoal black trail ran from his black hair all the way down his back to his tail.

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Shedding Season

The mexican wolf fell back against the padded seat of the booth and gave forth a full-bellied laugh that didn't stop for half a minute.

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