Sweetest Revenge

He felt the wolf shift on his member, but he ignored it as nothing more than squirming... then he felt a slightly rough, warm tongue run up his neck...

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Amateur Collaboration

The slightly rough surface would run over the extra sensitive spot and hard waves would shoot through his body.

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I Dreamt of Wasps - Chapter 14

It was difficult to pick up someone as big as he was, and he had to be slightly rough on them, causing them to moan in their unconsciousness. carrying them back to the castle was slow work, and he cried out the whole way, "help! i need help here!"

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Squad Goals - Side Stories - Ch06

He curled that agile muscle to scrub at her g-spot, the slightly rough, almost cat-like surface dragging against her sensitive spot. it made her shudder again, clench harder. and she felt a slight release.

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Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter7-Bravo

As the warm, slightly rough caress of his tongue ran across her nipples, hannah's eyes rolled shut and her hands grasped for her partner's ears and hair.

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CYOA: Rustwater Chronicles Pt7

Before he could voice a concern however she bent forward and dragged her slightly rough tongue across his collarbone and neck, sending a shiver along his spine.


Havana or Hell, part five

My fingers had rubbed a slightly rough surface, as if a coat of paint was peeling off. _what did you do with the damn thing?_ i wondered. i must have held the object for less than a minute before the security guards helped me to my feet.

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Of Rejection and Mid-day Service

The slight roughness of the tongue rubbing against him forcing his mind away from the moment.

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Getting Even

He broke the kiss to remove his shirt and with out haste simply ripped linkins thin white muscle t and resumed kissing him slightly roughly, but linkin didn't mind he actually enjoyed it this way.

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Cultural Confusion

He was so used to the soft tickle of fur and the slight roughness of the pads on his husband's hands that he had almost forgotten that it could feel different. naga fingers were soft, smooth, and very very focused.

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Mike's Favorite Micro

Regan blushed and let his inhibitions go, letting his slightly rough cat tongue out to lick at mike's feet. he could almost see the grin mike was wearing as he finally gave in.

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Fuck a gift horse in the nose

One gets the bright idea to straddle the equine's back, much like he was riding them, and slides his cock over the stallion's slightly rough back.

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