When Siraki Roared...

The dream and the feeling of utter helplessness as she watched herself through her own eyes try to make love to the wolf and the blue flames that wrapped around her soul binding her, taking her body for a long and twisted campaign.

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The Demons Gamble Part 1

soul binding is expensive. keep in mind, i'm not the banker, so my guesses could be way off or the price different for you humans." the ball clacked into place and i cheered as the ball landed on twenty-one red!

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High School is Hell - Obscure

"let me tell you about soul binding, flash." he leaned forward, clasping his hands together. "it's the demonic equivalent to marriage but it goes _far_deeper. in marriage, two mortals exchange vows.

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HSiH Extended - Vance the Grand Brewmaster

"that is the soul binding ritual. demons of this universe may experience it when they find someone that they truly feel connected with.

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Evokation / Book III: The Tower / Part 4

He thought he recognized what the runes on the shield had been now... a soul-binding spell, making the shield literally as strong as his faith and reacting based on the horse's perception and instincts.

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He sacrificed himself to protect his children from a premature collapse of their sun and now the remnants of his soul bind the flows of the celestial weave into a source of energy so condensed, it has crystallized.

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The Vengeance of the Dragon King Part I: Wyverns in the Wilds

Since the soul-binding between him and his mount, the wyvern cloudstreak, lane had taken to the skies as well as any natural born flier.

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Skin Deep: Chapter 3

He was fully aware of what a newborn demon could do, even without a soul. binding an essence only increased the demon's strength a hundredfold. brulliard's theory as to the purpose of the binding sounded true in ren's ears.

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The Vengeance of the Dragon King Part I: Wyverns in the Wilds (Complete)

Since the soul-binding between him and his mount, the wyvern cloudstreak, lane had taken to the skies as well as any natural born flier.

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High School is Hell - Sloth

"soul binding was for demons who are effectively immortal. not humans turned into mortals." russ took a deep breath and opened the door. "but i'm getting better. one day at a time."

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High School is Hell - Deception

The soul binding complete, both demons let out a euphoric roar. conway's cock erupted first, shooting precious demon seed all over the grey sand beneath him.

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