Against All Odds: Part 6 - Close Encounters

Their countries of origin remained unclear to the husky; the subject of team sports not being one of his strongest.

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Fertile Ground - Chapter 1

Ricca made friends with boys much easier than with girls due to her tomboyish looks and affinity for rough play, qualities which made her a popular teammate in most team sports.

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Notes For Julius

Several members of his team yelled at julius for what they perceived to be repeated setbacks in any team sport involving julius before directly requesting to gemma hurst that julius be excluded from the rest of the game.

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Ch 8 - Blades and Bodies

This is a team sport. team. in a real fight, the enemy won't politely line up and come at you one at a time. they come from every direction, as many as possible and as fast as possible. that's why we compete in teams of two or three. clear now?

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Track and Field: Part 17 - Dust In The Wind

They're the most common injury in any aggressive team sport, but the commonality doesn't make them any less debilitating. surgery wasn't necessary, but--if i wanted the option to play again sooner--it was the wiser plan of action.

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School Crush : Chapter 2

"hey, hey, it's a team sport, don't take it so hard. i'm sure you did your best," i say in a happy tone as i pat his shoulder. "th-thanks, it means a lot sky." 'god does everyone call me sky?' i thought to myself.

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Monte and Me - Days 1 and 2

I can't tell you any of the rules but i can tell you who has the sexiest ass on each team. sports aren't really my thing, athletes on the other hand...

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Skin: The Bunker

This is a team sport, but whichever individual pledge brings back the greatest number of totems will win a special prize." hank led them down one more turn before stopping. "alright, we're here."

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At Least I'm Not Cold Anymore

"just because a guy doesn't partake in a team sport, he's some kind of 'wimp'." in truth, jack was not all that wimpy. he wasn't as buff as the others, but he wasn't without slightly pronounced muscles.

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Do No Harm

He'd always hated team sports growing up, but he'd thought that it would probably have been a good idea for him to become more at home in his own body, in a setting that would have made him feel like he'd belonged in it.

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In the blink of an Eye

I want you to make sure we've got running, jumping, throwing, gymnastics and some good team-sports. i also want one member of each team to come up to this table here and collect your report cards and pencils.

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Meridian Prime Draft 2: Chapter 4

It was a joint effort, a team sport. we rocked back and forth together for what seemed like an eternity, clutching each other as if we would be swept away if we let go. she bit her lip and i yelped as my body convulsed within her.

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