Blue Mask 1: Theft & Rescue

The figure put his hands on his hips and circled around me like a man taking a stroll through the neighborhood, his head down and turning side to side.

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Righting Your Wrongs (Chapter 9)

I saw lucario turn side-on, and rest his hands low against his body. sending an equally large ball of bluish-black energy towards my attack.

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A Dog Jerks Off

He rolled his hips, turned side to side, anything to make the fabric slide over his stiff flesh. mmm, quality morning wood like this practically guaranteed a good start to the day. or evening, in zeke's case.

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A Harem Of One

Seanette's platinum-blonde ringlets turned side to side, one step out of pace with her head. "tsk tsk. so cliche." seanette placed her journal lovingly back into its satchel.

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The Christmas Eagle (2002) Original

Ga'ial swallowed a bit as his head turned side to side, feeling the icy cold-water nip all over his skin, making it sting and tingle.

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Alphabet Challenge 2018 - R is for Racing

Seconds later he stepped away from the now once more clothed doe, and they turned side by side, hand in trembling, sticky-fingered hand to face the source of the sound.

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Dolphins and Sunsets

My legs were no longer separate appendages, i tried to move them and it only caused my body to turn side to side. the stretching of my feet and new tail felt just as exhilarating as the muscles i just grew.

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Furmageddon Chaper 4

turning side on, they get the full blast of air from the tubes on either side. the window opens. "hey there night, looks like you survived death city huh?" his voice is barely audible.

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turning side to side the little sleek white furred mouse girl thought she looked boyish, no real womanly hips or nice perky breasts to speak of, barely a handful as she cupped her mounds and jiggled them a little.

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