The Hero's Wish

After jenny had taken umbra away the trainer checked his watch. "fucking bitch," he mumbled. "ruining my fun." well-- never mind that. it was 11:59 pm. he turned to face the immortalized pokémon and dropped to his knees.

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A Great Offering to the Temple and Its Guards

Behind them, the familiar noise of lewd, wet sex emerged as the other two guards, overcome by the excitement from watching, fucked each other next to the pool. their randy grunts filled the darkening evening sky.

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Furries University Chapter 8: Follow the white rabbit.

"reproduction and watch mating" whisper kitsune "that'll be annoying i know it". "now, for all those just beginning your college years, i welcome you and i am mr.

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Digimon: The Outer Reaches - Chapter Six: Safe?

Soon enough, her journey of raw desire drew her to where the male she had watched fuck scarr. he was standing in the mess... taking a cue from what she knew of fetishes, she licked around his ankle.

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Laundry Day

I think i shot another spurt of cum just watching. "fuck pat...what is it with you and ruining my polo tops eh?" i had to laugh then, and so did he, before he leant down to kiss my tailhole with a lingering pony tonguing kiss.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 42 - “Do Eoji et e Janandira”

Now that terry wasn't spending the evening with me, i figured i could sit in my room all night and watch fucking idiots on youtube doing the stupidest things i've ever seen but there is in fact a better way to spend your friday evening.

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Wild West FuckFest!

Though its been a while since their last crowd watching fuck, their spent cocks hardened at the scene. bomb pop spoke to the crowd.

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Rain - Part 2

"oh, let's watch sex and the city!" sue said. "not you, him," linda said with a slap to sue's hand.

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Spring Break Chapter 2

"no, they just stood around and watched... _ **fuck.** _" sally sighed and hung her head. "sal, this may sound like a bit of "_capra-corn_\*" but everyone of us can have a profound effect on those we meet."

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Sisyphean Hope: Chapter 3 (Commission)

The way his head bobbed, without a single finger bracing the cock, the raccoon questioned if he was watching sex or worship.

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Parent Teacher Conference

He watched as those lips slid off his cock, the tip being kept in and then back down--john's eyes never leaving him, as if wanting him to watch. fuck, the wolf wanted him to watch, it was a hot sight.

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Chapter III – Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?

Why was this wolf, who he watched fucking and then snuffing a femmy male fox just two nights ago, with ms. nakali? as the wolf stripped off his thin, stretchy shirt, the jackal slipped down aside his legs lower, large paws undoing his bdu fly buttons.

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