[Commission] (half a story) Hazbin Hotel presents Angel Dust in: "Paying the Bills. It's barely a living"

Starting with your, alastor." the building collapsed, taken by whatever dark creature alastor had summoned. charlie looked at angel, his eyes empty, staring at the sky. "you think we can fix him up?" vaggie asked, genuine concern in her voice. "yeah.

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Chapter 4: Greed

Upon returning they found vaggie holding back alastor, him and baal staring each other down. fire pouring off baals body as radio interference sparked around alastor. "you almost missed it mammon, these two are gonna tear into each other!"

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It's In My Nature

alastor's head tilted. "i'm afraid our friend with the fast hands might've let something out he really shouldn't have." hox paused, staring at alastor. was he serious? the way he phrased this sounded. . . concerned. holy shit.

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Fuck That Cake

alastor took off his jacket and shirt, hanging them against the doorknob after he shut the door behind him.

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In a panic, spade rushed over, tossing the unmoving body on the table, while alastor soaked his utensils in something that stank of cleansing chemical. it made him sick, especially after what he just experienced. alastor clicked his tongue.

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Chapter 3: Family Dynamic

alastor smiled. the music, the scent, all of it was somewhat overwhelming even for the usually calm demon. "um i think its this way" charlie took the lead, guiding vaggie and alastor to the stairwell leading up to the private box.

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Chapter 2: Joining the War Effort, Saving Lives, Facing Voldemort, Forming a Pack.

They released me from the hospital about two hours later and i met alastor down on the first floor where he'd waited for me. alastor studied me and asked "what was the damage lad?"

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Stacked Deck

"not quite like the shows of my heyday. . ." said alastor. "well," continued charlie, "it shows the hotel therapy plan works. and that's the important thing!"

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Sureality Event 2: Alastor

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ event 2: alastor "splendid" eticaius grinned again this time it seemed more of joy then evil.

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Aldruin, Chapter II: Councilor

"she may be infected, captain baldwin, but officer alastor has proven a valuable asset to us in the past, and although this situation is unfortunate... she is not beyond redemption, or value to our cause."

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