Raccoon Rage: Chapter 5 - Dining Disaster

Probably has to deal with a lot of assholes and idiots all day." mike grunted. "every job is dealing with assholes and idiots in some way." ray smirked. "true enough!"

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Glory Rod Gladiators

The wolf reaches for a glory rod and waves the cock around the line of assholes. he squeezes the canine cock and watches the line of assholes like a hawk for a tell of which one it belongs to.

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All Out (commission for Kono)

Saturday night college parties always seem to be more chill than their Friday night counterparts. On Friday there was more of a hyped-up frenzy, a week's worth of frustration and boredom needing banished by as much booze and thuddingly loud music...

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The Pack Appears

Alluyah wakes up in the morning, yawns, stretches out, and then gets up. She had to taze a student the night before when she woke up seeing his dick over top of her. That student had abruptly left to go home, heading off the mountains. He hasn't been...

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Chris Klebb Versus Anthro Island: The Sexumentary

"assholes! jerks! let me out! freaking assholes! pricks! assholes!" the feminine male squeaked. "hahahahaha! always with the blimmin' assholes gary! you remind me of 'me ex-wife mate, only even she had more bollock than you! hahahahahahahahahaha!"

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Beatrice Santello (Ch 6) - Friendzone

Look, just because someone's smart enough and 'privileged' enough to go to college doesn't necessarily mean they're assholes. and a lot of those 'privileged college brats' are working their asses off trying to pay for school too.

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The Ego Poem

Most of the people i wait on at my store are still numb assholes who desire nothing more than what they want, which is beef, and meat, and dairy. i run, and get it for them, perfect.

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Show Me That Butthole

He entered as gracefully as a five foot eight cougar could, threaded muscles slamming the door to the shared dormitory with an almighty crash. On the field, the quarterback was a star athlete, fast and light on his footpaws but terrifyingly strong,...

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Sitting Room (commission for Zeus Hartline)

Jon had spent plenty of time in all of the rooms, getting amazing assholes pressed to his lips for hours on end, and even sometimes getting his own fingered for just as long. but today, he was in the mood for butthole.

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The Giants' Getaway

Help yourselves to whatever those wasteful assholes left behind."

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Flying Mile High Chapter 1

The pay was fairly minimal, the hours were long and she often met assholes who wanted her 'personal attention', because she often went to the gym.

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burn baby burn

As i wandered to the class room tommy mcgee walked over to me hiding behind his gang of assholes''so the fat nerd is going to his literacy class''i was very tempted to say that he should lay off the cream cakes himself but i didnt with the knowledge

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