The biggest stallion

Dawnheart could still hear the laughs of the other stallions that were trotting away proudly, leaving him holding back tears as he lied in a puddle of mud. The Shire horse's white fur was covered with soil, water and mud and his blonde mane was matted...

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Summoning the wrong demon?

Heart racing, Tao lit up several candles lined up on the desk of his bedroom. All the furniture had been moved close to the walls to allow for the ritual to take place. It was the middle of the night, curtains were closed, doors to his house were...

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Insatiable - Rise of the Malevolent God

"Now, my big sexy herald," began Andy, looking down at the arcanine standing on all fours in front of him, "we need to start the next phase of my plan to ascend to godhood." Mike looked up at Andy, puzzled as to what the vulpine godlike figure...

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The size drain tech

"We have a winner!" yelled the referee, "Everybody give a round of applause for Titan's victory!" The whole fight club was cheering and yelling. In the middle of the boxing ring, on all fours with his hand lying over the chest of a comparatively...

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Gift Bearers - Pressure Accumulation

Ever since that crazy night where he was granted the Gift of Omnipotence, Fenris has been thinking of ways to make use of these Gifts for his daily fapping sessions. He almost didn't have to watch porn anymore, only needing to borrow a couple of crazy...

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WereLords - Chapter 13: Redemptions

"Silver Bride," bellowed the monstrous giant, "this is all your fault. YOUR FAULT!" he yelled, balling his hand into a fist and positioning it right above Nathaniel. "I'LL MAKE YOU PAY!" Nathaniel's barely had the time to cast a barrier to protect...

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Idle Gains - Open Beta

"Hey you! Yes, you! See that guy over there spending hours every day exercising to get buff? Or that other guy who's restricting his diet to lose weight? Or this one guy trying to use pumps to enhance his manhood? What if I told you...

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Rai's impromptu feast

Rai stood up from his chair, moved his monitor towards his bed and started the video. Even though the music and voice acting were lame, he put his earphones on. Removing his underwear and tossing them in a corner of the room, he walked to his bed, sat...

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Gift Bearers - Sympathetic Enlargement

Fenris had just finished vacuuming her house, all that was left was taking care of folding clothes and putting them away. She began the task, starting with a bra she had bought recently, then continuing with an XXL t-shirt, then panties, then...

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Invasion of the goo alien

A small alien arose from the debris of the crater made by the meteor he rode until moments ago. It had the form of a small blue blob of goo. Still somewhat stunned by the impact and crash landing, it began scanning its surroundings. It had landed in...

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Virility tattoo

Zach got himself comfortable on his gaming chair and opened one of his all time favourite pornographic animations. He had already stripped naked and was working on himself, helping his dick erect slowly by rubbing its tip. It was the first time he'd...

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