No Price Too High

Olly sat there with a bewildered, frightened expression as the canine undressed, being filmed as the man changed. it didn't take long until the canine was completely naked.

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Guard Dog...

Standing to his full height while taking hold of the canine's leash the lion thought about the new canine and just how much of a difference there was between this _dog_ and normal feral creature.

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Cheyenne Express

He felt a warm body next to him, and looked over to see the sleeping black canine curled up peacefully next to him. a smile crept across the old trucker's face as he looked at the canine.

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Backyard Bursting

It was intoxicating for the canine, and with every swallow, the feeling grew that much more addicting for him. of course, no one knew that this growing blob was, in fact, a canine.... how could they?

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CFS 3: All mine

The canine whimpered at the sound of his fate, of being nothing more than lifeless lemur chub. yet, his pants oozed, he had orgasmed at the thought of it, the canine moaned weakly.

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The Imaginary Mage

But the canine that he had asked what was going on padded his back and called to the canine mages on stage. "i'm sure he could go toe to toe with you!" all eyes centered on the canine who had called out and in turn anzou.

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How many times...

Reed was on the edge of his seat, stroking that small canine cock swiftly with one paw. while squeezing his own knot hard with the other, the handsome canine moaning softly as his balls starting to pull up.

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bobbie & James- Part 00 The Prequel

The canine growled at the canine and bobby's instincts felt as though they were about to go haywire as he looked up fearfully at the imposing greyhound.

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Loosening Up - Finding yourself

Most preferably something to nibble on, aside from the canine's nipples while the canine slept.

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The canine was starting to feel a bit stuck there.

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Evening Surprise

The canine's eyes snap open as he feels the skunk's muzzle close in on his own then quickly slide closed again as he responds eagerly, his long canine tongue quickly moving in to explore the skunk's muzzle.

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