Chosen in Service to the King

The last thing Seto expected to happen to him on that fateful morning was to be taken by the snatchers; he had always been so careful to avoid areas where they were known to prowl and like most people in the city learned enough of their movements to...

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Gods Chosen- The Snapping

#4 of gods chosen a couple of things i probably need to address for some of the things in here to make sense since i want to avoid "as you know bob" acts as much as possible.

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The Chosen One, Unwilling

So what gives you right to submit hapless humans to your whims, 'chosen one' or not? - silence whelp!! giratina's furious voice echoed in the distortion world, making the hairs on my neck stand up.

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Deer Chosen One

Play online (free): []( download links: dropbox (free.

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Wolfriders - I. Chosen

chosen * * * **the forest has many eyes. the eyes of wolves and darklings, even of trees and rocks. the forest has ears, too.

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Chapter 12: The Chosen

#12 of the mating season 5 chapter 12: the chosen young, skinny tikka moved along with a switching tail, a basket of apples on her hip.

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Chosen Prelude/Teaser

Not supposed to understand it. it's a prelude lol.** **chosen season 1 teaser** the fear was overwhelming.

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Chosen - 1.01 "The Sacrifice"

"i am your guide and you are the chosen one." "what?" "you are the chosen one." "chosen for what?" "the chosen one maintains the balance of good and evil." "so i am supposed to fight the bad guys?" i asked sarcastically.

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Chosen (Part 2)

#1 of chosen authors comment: i am beginning to like the author comment section... lets me connect to the reader :) anyways, after a bit of editing, here is part 2 of the chosen story! yaaaay!

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Chosen (Part 1)

Even the males were chosen sometimes, although they were never sexually touched like the others. they just seemed to have good things happen to them out of the blue.

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Chosen: Chapter Seven

I would never have chosen to be a puppet. that's all the chosen are. pretty figures for the church to point at all in the name of donations. and who knows what else they are used for. i can't believe you would encourage me to go back to slavery.

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